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Soggiorni con pavimento in sughero e pavimento in linoleum - Foto e idee per arredare

Древо жизни/ Tree of life
Древо жизни/ Tree of life
Ирина КирееваИрина Киреева
Квартира 118квм в ЖК Vavilove на Юго-Западе Москвы. Заказчики поставили задачу сделать планировку квартиры с тремя спальнями: родительская и 2 детские, гостиная и обязательно изолированная кухня. Но тк изначально квартира была трехкомнатная, то окон в квартире было всего 4 и одно из помещений должно было оказаться без окна. Выбор пал на гостиную. Именно ее разместили в глубине квартиры без окон. Несмотря на современную планировку по сути эта квартира-распашонка. И нам повезло, что в ней удалось выкроить просторное помещение холла, которое и превратилось в полноценную гостиную. Общая планировка такова, что помимо того, что гостиная без окон, в неё ещё выходят двери всех помещений - и кухни, и спальни, и 2х детских, и 2х су, и коридора - 7 дверей выходят в одно помещение без окон. Задача оказалась нетривиальная. Но я считаю, мы успешно справились и смогли достичь не только функциональной планировки, но и стилистически привлекательного интерьера. В интерьере превалирует зелёная цветовая гамма. Этот природный цвет прекрасно сочетается со всеми остальными природными оттенками, а кто как не природа щедра на интересные приемы и сочетания. Практически все пространства за исключением мастер-спальни выдержаны в светлых тонах.
Il Colore per Definire lo Spazio
Il Colore per Definire lo Spazio
Idee per un soggiorno contemporaneo di medie dimensioni e aperto con libreria, pareti verdi, pavimento in linoleum, parete attrezzata e pavimento grigio
History Inundated with Technology
History Inundated with Technology
Custom Audio VideoCustom Audio Video
Video game loft with three televisions.
Esempio di un soggiorno country di medie dimensioni e stile loft con pareti beige, nessun camino, TV a parete, pavimento in linoleum e cornice del camino in pietra
Mid-Century Living
Mid-Century Living
Visual Jill Inc.Visual Jill Inc.
Photos by Peter Lyons
Ispirazione per un grande soggiorno moderno aperto con angolo bar, pavimento in sughero, camino classico e cornice del camino in cemento
Hollywood Actor's Off Grid Tiny Home
Hollywood Actor's Off Grid Tiny Home
Tru Form TinyTru Form Tiny
Designed by Malia Schultheis and built by Tru Form Tiny. This Tiny Home features Blue stained pine for the ceiling, pine wall boards in white, custom barn door, custom steel work throughout, and modern minimalist window trim.
700 Lake Drive, Boca Raton
700 Lake Drive, Boca Raton
Alpha Marble Inc.Alpha Marble Inc.
Immagine di un ampio soggiorno vittoriano aperto con sala formale, pareti beige, pavimento in linoleum, camino classico, cornice del camino piastrellata, nessuna TV e pavimento beige
Forbo Marmoleum Click - Natural Linoleum Flooring
Forbo Marmoleum Click - Natural Linoleum Flooring
Green Building SupplyGreen Building Supply
Colors: VirginBlue, Van Gogh, Caribbean
Immagine di un grande soggiorno minimalista aperto con pareti bianche, pavimento in linoleum, camino classico e cornice del camino in intonaco
Artistic Zen
Artistic Zen
Gerber Berend Design Build, Inc.Gerber Berend Design Build, Inc.
David Patterson by Gerber Berend Design Build, Steamboat Springs, Colorado
Esempio di un grande soggiorno industriale aperto con sala formale, pareti bianche, pavimento in sughero, nessun camino e nessuna TV
Современная квартира в Новосибирске
Современная квартира в Новосибирске
Kutenkovs projectKutenkovs project
Idee per un grande soggiorno minimal aperto con pareti grigie, pavimento in sughero, TV a parete e tappeto
A Room Addition & Outdoor Living Space
A Room Addition & Outdoor Living Space
Dave Fox Design Build RemodelersDave Fox Design Build Remodelers
Dave Fox Design Build Remodelers This room addition encompasses many uses for these homeowners. From great room, to sunroom, to parlor, and gathering/entertaining space; it’s everything they were missing, and everything they desired. This multi-functional room leads out to an expansive outdoor living space complete with a full working kitchen, fireplace, and large covered dining space. The vaulted ceiling in this room gives a dramatic feel, while the stained pine keeps the room cozy and inviting. The large windows bring the outside in with natural light and expansive views of the manicured landscaping.
My Houzz: Midcentury Modern Style Transforms a Vineyard Bungalow
My Houzz: Midcentury Modern Style Transforms a Vineyard Bungalow
Andrew Snow PhotographyAndrew Snow Photography
Photo: Andrew Snow © 2013 Houzz
Immagine di un soggiorno contemporaneo con pavimento in sughero e pareti bianche
Relooking di interni
Relooking di interni
Casa PoppyCasa Poppy
La richiesta della committente è stata quella di rivisitare gli spazi in modo da vivere tutti gli ambienti in modo consono. Il piano superiore era poco sfruttato, il piano terra e soprattutto la zona giorno risultava appesantita da arredi ingombranti. Il terrazzo aveva bisogno di essere risistemato per poter essere vissuto appieno.
Crow's Nest Cottage
Crow's Nest Cottage
Board & VellumBoard & Vellum
Custom, collapsable coffee table built by Ben Cruzat. Custom couch designed by Jeff Pelletier, AIA, CPHC, and built by Couch Seattle. Photos by Andrew Giammarco Photography.
Porto Vita project
Porto Vita project
2id Interiors2id Interiors
Esempio di un grande soggiorno minimal aperto con pareti bianche, pavimento in linoleum, nessun camino e TV a parete
For the Love of MCM
For the Love of MCM
Sklar StudiosSklar Studios
Everywhere you look in this home, there is a surprise to be had and a detail worth preserving. One of the many iconic interior features of the home is the original copper fireplace that was beautifully restored back to it's shiny glory. The hearth hovers above the cork floor with a strong horizontal gesture that picks up on the deep lines of the brick wall and surround. The combination of this, the original brick, and fireplace shroud that glimmers like a piece of jewelry is undisputably the focal point of this space.
Das ultimative Feuer im Gaskamin
Das ultimative Feuer im Gaskamin
Foto di un grande soggiorno design aperto con sala formale, pareti bianche, pavimento in linoleum, camino classico, cornice del camino in cemento, nessuna TV e pavimento beige
For the Love of MCM
For the Love of MCM
Sklar StudiosSklar Studios
Everywhere you look in this home, there is a surprise to be had and a detail that was worth preserving. One of the more iconic interior features was this original copper fireplace shroud that was beautifully restored back to it's shiny glory. The sofa was custom made to fit "just so" into the drop down space/ bench wall separating the family room from the dining space. Not wanting to distract from the design of the space by hanging TV on the wall - there is a concealed projector and screen that drop down from the ceiling when desired. Flooded with natural light from both directions from the original sliding glass doors - this home glows day and night - by sunlight or firelight.
Perkasie Contemporary
Perkasie Contemporary
Stage Coach Services LLC dba "The Stage Coach"Stage Coach Services LLC dba "The Stage Coach"
After staging this living room feels fun, comfortable, inviting and colorful. Staging helped this home sell FAST at top dollar!
Immagine di un soggiorno rustico aperto e di medie dimensioni con pavimento in sughero, stufa a legna, cornice del camino in mattoni, sala formale, pareti beige, nessuna TV e pavimento marrone
Fabi Architekten BDA part gmbbFabi Architekten BDA part gmbb
Esempio di un soggiorno di medie dimensioni e chiuso con libreria, pareti bianche e pavimento in linoleum
The perfect reading nook
The perfect reading nook
Refresh Renovations Auckland WestRefresh Renovations Auckland West
It takes a special kind of client to embrace the eclectic design style. Eclecticism is an approach to design that combines elements from various periods, styles, and sources. It involves the deliberate mixing and matching of different aesthetics to create a unique and visually interesting space. Eclectic design celebrates the diversity of influences and allows for the expression of personal taste and creativity. The client a window dresser in her former life her own bold ideas right from the start, like the wallpaper for the kitchen splashback. The kitchen used to be in what is now the sitting area and was moved into the former dining space. Creating a large Kitchen with a large bench style table coming off it combines the spaces and allowed for steel tube elements in combination with stainless and timber benchtops. Combining materials adds depth and visual interest. The playful and unexpected elements like the elephant wallpaper in the kitchen create a lively and engaging environment. The swapping of the spaces created an open layout with seamless integration to the adjacent living area. The prominent focal point of this kitchen is the island. All the spaces allowed the client the freedom to experiment and showcase her personal style.

Soggiorni con pavimento in sughero e pavimento in linoleum - Foto e idee per arredare

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