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Esempio di una cucina moderna

Screens Support Passivhaus Principals

Our customer’s property is changing the game in rural Salisbury. Sat on the edge of a charming village, this unique house has been built to Passivhaus standards and has stunning views over neighbouring fields. What is a passive house? A passive house (or Passivhaus) is an energy-efficient property constructed to a specific building standard. The main benefits of a passive house are the ultimate operating cost efficiencies through the reduction of energy use – based on the principle that reducing heating loss to a minimum is the most cost-effective and robust way of achieving a low carbon building. Having the ability to manage the temperature in a sustainable way is therefore vital in ensuring a comfortable ultra-low energy lifestyle. This is where Phantom Screens step in…. Our customers sought us out after learning of our screens’ solar management properties. Knowing they wanted to put sustainability first, installing Solar Screens across their home to manage excessive heat build and harsh solar glare made sense. Phantom Screens installed six Executive Power Screens across window and door openings. The chosen mesh for this project was 20:30 mesh in black, which provides additional privacy as well as solar protection. The screen rollers were recessed and fitted into dedicated external pockets. Our Solar Screens now provide this property with greater solar management, allowing the owners to control heat build and solar glare in their home. Relying on natural ventilation has also helped reduce operating costs which may have been spent on air conditioning. Our Power Screens are also fully automated, meaning they can be connected to a home automation system or controlled remotely via the Somfy app. They also keep insects from entering the house! Are you interested in screens? Whether it’s for sustainable living, insect protection or solar management, our bug screens are handcrafted, and tailor made in our factory for you. Speak to our experts today to discuss how we can upgrade your living space.
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