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Rokstone's Arve Apartments - designed by idearchitecture

Arve Apartments Consisting of 8 x 2 bedroom units, this project was started in early 2010 and had a development application lodged with Council when the great flood of Brisbane struck in January 2011. The suburb of Yeronga was heavily inundated by flood water, and the Eversley Terrace site, did not escape unscathed. The project was placed on hold, until the flood waters had subsided, and clean-up completed. Following a period of reflection, the project was re-designed to ensure the future necessary flood immunity was achieved. A challenging site, the building was constructed on very soft ground, over a gully, and over existing sewer and storm water infrastructure. To ensure the best possible amenity to residents and neighbours, a split level design was adopted with only 2 units paired at each level around a central stairwell. All units are afforded large balconies and are either orientated to the front or back to optimize views and minimize overlooking of neighboring properties. Bathrooms and ensuites look onto private landscaped internal courtyards. Construction began in June 2014 and was completed in the middle of 2015. The project is the collaborative result of a client with an understanding of good design, and a cooperative builder who takes great pride in the quality of their workmanship.
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