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Idee per una stanza da bagno classica
Castle Building & Remodeling
Castle Building & Remodeling
Valutazione media: 4.8 di 5 stelle41 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Project 3238-1 South Minneapolis Bathroom

Tired of their old gray and pink tiled bathroom, these homeowners contacted Castle for some help with their 1950’s South Minneapolis home. One priority item for the family was also creating a space for the kitty box! By matching original oak trim, picking up a contrasting dark cherry vanity, and combining those heavy wood tones with warm and soft neutrals, we were able to design a space that was enduring, comfortable and classic. One of our favorite features is the dual shower head by Kohler. Kohler’s Hydrorail system allows for two showerhead options with only one water supply! It is a great option for multi-user bathrooms. This was another wonderful renovation for a charming family.
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