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Esempio di una grande sala da pranzo aperta verso il soggiorno bohémian con pareti grigie, pavimento in legno massello medio e pavimento marrone
Grandeur Hills Group,Inc.
Grandeur Hills Group,Inc.
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle47 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Park Ave Condo

The main idea of this interior design concept is space. The dining room does look very spacious despite the eclectic design style. Black and white colors and their many shades go well with each other and at the same time perfectly contrast. Against the gray background of the interior, the white floor and large windows through which daylight enters the interior of the dining room do look great. The correct functional grouping of all the dining room furniture pieces visually expands the dining room. Don’t miss the chance to turn your dining room into a jewel of NYC by calling the top Grandeur Hills Group interior designers!
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