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Orti in Giardino classici - Foto e idee

Potager Garden
Potager Garden
Staab & Olmsted LLC - Landscape Architecture and FStaab & Olmsted LLC - Landscape Architecture and F
A traditional garden in the French style that contains fruits, berries, herbs, cutting, and vegetable garden.
Esempio di un orto in giardino classico
Central District Edible Garden
Central District Edible Garden
Board & VellumBoard & Vellum
Landscape contracting by Avid Landscape. Carpentry by Contemporary Homestead. Photograph by Meghan Montgomery.
Esempio di un orto in giardino chic esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e dietro casa con ghiaia
Formal Vegetable Garden
Formal Vegetable Garden
Offshoots, Inc.Offshoots, Inc.
custom trellis supports espalier pear trees that act as a privacy barrier to a formal raised vegetable garden
Immagine di un giardino tradizionale esposto in pieno sole dietro casa in estate con pavimentazioni in pietra naturale
Back Yards
Back Yards
Runde's Landscape Contractors, Inc.Runde's Landscape Contractors, Inc.
Joe Runde
Idee per un giardino classico con ghiaia
A Gaelic Estate in the Hamptons
A Gaelic Estate in the Hamptons
Devore AssociatesDevore Associates
Ispirazione per un giardino tradizionale
French Normandy Residence
French Normandy Residence
Charles Hilton ArchitectsCharles Hilton Architects
HOBI Award 2013 - Winner - Custom Home of the Year HOBI Award 2013 - Winner - Project of the Year HOBI Award 2013 - Winner - Best Custom Home 6,000-7,000 SF HOBI Award 2013 - Winner - Best Remodeled Home $2 Million - $3 Million Brick Industry Associates 2013 Brick in Architecture Awards 2013 - Best in Class - Residential- Single Family AIA Connecticut 2014 Alice Washburn Awards 2014 - Honorable Mention - New Construction athome alist Award 2014 - Finalist - Residential Architecture Charles Hilton Architects Stefen Turner Aerial Photography
Good Garden's Own Backyard
Good Garden's Own Backyard
Good Gardens LLCGood Gardens LLC
Foto di un grande orto in giardino tradizionale in ombra dietro casa con pacciame
Homefront Farmers Projects
Homefront Farmers Projects
Homefront FarmersHomefront Farmers
A good garden keeps the critters out while allowing easy access when you want to go grab a few cherry tomatoes or head of lettuce. All of our gardens are fully enclosed with attractive fencing and have at least one gate for convenient entrance. Other great features include raised beds filled with nutrient rich organic soil, weed-controlled isles covered with quality pea gravel, and all-natural (untreated) lumber.
Vegetable Gardens
Vegetable Gardens
Eden CondensedEden Condensed
Five all cedar raised beds and assorted containers provide ample planting area for this backyard vegetable garden.
Esempio di un orto in giardino chic esposto a mezz'ombra di medie dimensioni e dietro casa in estate con pacciame
Edmonds Residence
Edmonds Residence
Casa Architecture and Interior DesignCasa Architecture and Interior Design
Garden terrace
Foto di un giardino chic esposto in pieno sole dietro casa e di medie dimensioni con pavimentazioni in pietra naturale
Under the Orange Tree
Under the Orange Tree
Terra Ferma LandscapesTerra Ferma Landscapes
A perfect little seating area next to a heritage orange tree.
Ispirazione per un grande orto in giardino chic esposto in pieno sole dietro casa in primavera con ghiaia
Vegetable Gardens
Vegetable Gardens
Dear Garden Associates, Inc.Dear Garden Associates, Inc.
Late spring, early summer when the temperatures are still cool enough for lettuce and pansies.
Ispirazione per un orto in giardino chic
Armillary Sphere
Armillary Sphere
David HarberDavid Harber
Stainless steel armillary sphere sundial on an unusual "living" plinth
Ispirazione per un orto in giardino classico dietro casa
Raised Bed Vegetable Garden
Raised Bed Vegetable Garden
Earth Mama Landscape DesignEarth Mama Landscape Design
Once a forgotten, moldy putting green—now a healthy vegetable garden. Raised beds were built and filled with organic soil and leaf mold. This garden provides the family with spring through late fall vegetables including lettuces, tomatoes, beets, peas, eggplant, zucchini, asparagus, and a ton of basil and other herbs! Please visit the website for more photos of this project.
South Salem NY Residential
South Salem NY Residential
Teich GardensTeich Gardens
Esempio di un orto in giardino classico
Victorian Edible Garden - South Pasadena
Victorian Edible Garden - South Pasadena
ecocentrix landscape architectureecocentrix landscape architecture
John Feldman | Photographer
Esempio di un orto in giardino chic dietro casa
Fenced Garden
Fenced Garden
Land Design, Inc.Land Design, Inc.
A classic fenced vegetable garden integrated into an existing landscape where it serves as a focal point.
Foto di un orto in giardino tradizionale
Potager Garden
Potager Garden
Staab & Olmsted LLC - Landscape Architecture and FStaab & Olmsted LLC - Landscape Architecture and F
A traditional garden in the French style that contains fruits, berries, herbs, cutting, and vegetable garden.
Ispirazione per un orto in giardino chic

Orti in Giardino classici - Foto e idee

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