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Ispirazione per una piccola stanza da bagno padronale design con ante blu, zona vasca/doccia separata, piastrelle grigie, piastrelle in gres porcellanato, pavimento in gres porcellanato, lavabo a bacinella, top in quarzo composito, pavimento grigio, top bianco, un lavabo e mobile bagno sospeso

Opaheke Ensuite

Our Pretty in Pink ensuite is a result of what you can create from dead space within a home. Previously, this small space was part of an under utilised master bedroom sun room & hall way cupboard. The brief for this ensuite was to create a trendy bathroom that was soft with a splash of colour that worked cohesively with the grey and blue tonings seen throughout the 60’s home. The challenge was to take a space with no existing plumbing, and an angled wall, and transform it into a beautiful ensuite. Before we could look at the colours and finishes, careful planning was done in conjunction with the plumber and architect for consent. We meticulously worked through the aesthetics of the room by starting with the selection of Grey & White tiles, creating a timeless base to the scheme. The custom-made vanity and the Resene Wafer wall give the space a pop of colour, while the stone top and soft grey basin break up the black tapware.
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