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Immagine di una stanza da bagno con doccia tradizionale di medie dimensioni con ante in stile shaker, ante verdi, doccia ad angolo, WC monopezzo, piastrelle beige, piastrelle in gres porcellanato, pareti beige, pavimento in vinile, lavabo integrato, top in quarzo composito, pavimento marrone, porta doccia a battente, top bianco, un lavabo e mobile bagno freestanding
Pinnacle Design & Remodeling
Pinnacle Design & Remodeling
Valutazione media: 4.9 di 5 stelle24 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Minnetonka Finished Basement

Only a few minutes from the project to the left (Another Minnetonka Finished Basement) this space was just as cluttered, dark, and under utilized. Done in tandem with Landmark Remodeling, this space had a specific aesthetic: to be warm, with stained cabinetry, gas fireplace, and wet bar. They also have a musically inclined son who needed a place for his drums and piano. We had amble space to accomodate everything they wanted. We decided to move the existing laundry to another location, which allowed for a true bar space and two-fold, a dedicated laundry room with folding counter and utility closets. The existing bathroom was one of the scariest we've seen, but we knew we could save it. Overall the space was a huge transformation! Photographer- Height Advantages
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