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Foto di una grande stanza da bagno padronale country con ante a filo, ante blu, vasca con piedi a zampa di leone, doccia a filo pavimento, WC a due pezzi, piastrelle bianche, piastrelle in ceramica, pareti bianche, pavimento in cementine, lavabo sottopiano, top in marmo, pavimento bianco, porta doccia a battente, top bianco, toilette, due lavabi, mobile bagno incassato, soffitto a volta e pannellatura
Cathie Hong Interiors
Cathie Hong Interiors
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle21 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Los Gatos Bathrooms

This project was a joy to work on, as we married our firm’s modern design aesthetic with the client’s more traditional and rustic taste. We gave new life to all three bathrooms in her home, making better use of the space in the powder bathroom, optimizing the layout for a brother & sister to share a hall bath, and updating the primary bathroom with a large curbless walk-in shower and luxurious clawfoot tub. Though each bathroom has its own personality, we kept the palette cohesive throughout all three.

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hrhunt18 lo ha aggiunto a MD Primary Bath16 luglio 2023

tile along wall around windows

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