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Esempio di una camera matrimoniale chic di medie dimensioni con pareti beige, pavimento in legno massello medio e nessun camino
Betty Wasserman Art & Interiors
Betty Wasserman Art & Interiors
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle50 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Lakefront Landing

This beautiful lakefront New Jersey home is replete with exquisite design. The sprawling living area flaunts super comfortable seating that can accommodate large family gatherings while the stonework fireplace wall inspired the color palette. The game room is all about practical and functionality, while the master suite displays all things luxe. The fabrics and upholstery are from high-end showrooms like Christian Liaigre, Ralph Pucci, Holly Hunt, and Dennis Miller. Lastly, the gorgeous art around the house has been hand-selected for specific rooms and to suit specific moods. Project completed by New York interior design firm Betty Wasserman Art & Interiors, which serves New York City, as well as across the tri-state area and in The Hamptons. For more about Betty Wasserman, click here: https://www.bettywasserman.com/ To learn more about this project, click here: https://www.bettywasserman.com/spaces/luxury-lakehouse-new-jersey/
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