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Immagine di una cucina classica con ante in stile shaker, top in saponaria, parquet chiaro e 2 o più isole
Alloy Architecture & Construction
Alloy Architecture & Construction
Valutazione media: 4.6 di 5 stelle10 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Kitchen - Booker Street

This 2 over 2 house is packed with terrific vintage details but the kitchen needed to be more efficient and functional. We modernized the space but kept the original trim and flooring so that the kitchen still feels a part of the house. We installed a stacked washer/dryer in the adjoining laundry room so that we could move the wall and gain additional kitchen floor space. A centerpiece of the kitchen is the Churchill Soapstone counter and backsplash. Very little soapstone is quarried in the US and this rare variety is only found only in Schuyler, Virginia, just twenty minutes outside of Charlottesville.

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