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Esempio di una cameretta per bambini american style con pareti nere, pavimento con piastrelle in ceramica e pavimento grigio
Italia Ceramics
Italia Ceramics
Valutazione media: 4.3 di 5 stelle7 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Italia Ceramics - Tile Collection

The latest trends in home decoration have inspired Equipe Ceramica’s collection to bring a modern interpretation of art deco inspired patterns. The return of florals, quirky prints and abstract geometric patterns have inspired tiles in many new and exciting directions! Tile patterns are a great way to introduce creativity and inject colour to any space of the home. Create the ultimate centrepiece to your bathroom, kitchen, living room, or any space that resonates with your personal flair and character. Go bold with your bathroom floor tile to give a big personality to a small space, or create a simple splash back across your bathroom vanity, or a feature wall that wraps around your kitchen to give your home a ‘wow’ factor. Discover Italian designer Equipe Ceramica’s wide range of abstract, geometric or floral designs in bold or subtle colours. Our range offers designs in hexagons, rhombus, kite, chevron, herringbone, and other irregular formats to make your home truly unique.
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