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Idee per una piccola cameretta per neonati nordica con pareti bianche e moquette
Guggenheim Architecture + Design Studio
Guggenheim Architecture + Design Studio
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle16 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Hurst Avenue Residence

This nursery was part of a larger remodel of an attic space which included the hall, master bedroom and bathroom. Light-filled on even the most overcast days, this Portland residence is bright and airy with balance of natural materials playing off a white backdrop. Custom storage has been added throughout the addition tucked into the sloping eave spaces. Room for stacking and multiple drawer depths make storage very versatile. The corner bookshelf is great for toys, books or for a cup of coffee on one of those early mornings. The glass inset door allows borrowed light to spill into the hallway. All photos: Josh Partee Photography
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