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Intrim Group Pty Ltd
Intrim Group Pty Ltd
Valutazione media: 4.8 di 5 stelle9 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Heritage Terrace Transformation

A beautiful terrace home in the inner city suburbs of Sydney was in desperate need of a renovation and transformation to bring it into the modern day. The fittings, fixtures and layout were all outdated and it needed some clever crafting to get it just right. Original period mouldings, ornate skirting boards, picture rail, decorated ceiling and timber flooring cement an obvious connection with an era gone by, while the new elements of the home such as colour choices, updated lighting, polished concrete and cleaner lines modernise the space. Mother Daughter design team, Carla Barton and Noela Coffey embarked on this mammoth renovation task which showed that no matter how experienced you are, there can always be challenges. Luckily, the result was a magnificent renovation that was respectful to the homes heritage while incorporating a refined contemporary aesthetic and thoughtfully planning living flow, which also then converted to dollars! Intrim supplied SK121 architrave in 90mm, a custom matched 230mm skirting board, a custom matched picture rail, custom door jambs and custom chair rail. Design: Carla Barton & Noela Coffey
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