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Idee per una piccola camera matrimoniale con pareti bianche, parquet chiaro e pavimento marrone

Hand Woven Rattan Pendant Lamp Project | Dining/Bedroom | France

This project is a client case located in France. The client's residence spans 130 square meters. Having grown up in France, the client's aesthetic has been influenced by the country's classical style. Their preferred decor style leans towards French countryside vintage, adorned with vibrant decorative pieces and lush greenery, reflecting a deep appreciation for nature's freshness. For this project, the client aimed to select suitable lighting fixtures for the dining room and bedroom. They favored bamboo and rattan weaving as materials, but wanted to incorporate a range of colors beyond the natural tones of bamboo and rattan. We recommended a three-tiered bamboo and rattan pendant light, accented with black and red tones. Upon receiving the products, the client expressed how perfectly the lighting fixtures aligned with their vision, conveying their satisfaction. We are delighted to share this case study, hoping it inspires and provides ideas for your own home decor endeavors.
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