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Immagine di una piccola camera da letto tradizionale con pareti beige, parquet scuro, camino classico e cornice del camino in mattoni
Amy Troute Inspired Interior Design
Amy Troute Inspired Interior Design
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Goose Hollow Guest House

A newly finished basement apartment in one of Portland’s gorgeous historic homes was a beautiful canvas for ATIID to create a warm, welcoming guest house. Area rugs provided rich texture, pattern and color inspiration for each room. Comfortable furnishings, cozy beds and thoughtful touches welcome guests for any length of stay. Our Signature Cocktail Table and Perfect Console and Cubes are showcased in the living room, and an extraordinary original work by Molly Cliff-Hilts pulls the warm color palette to the casual dining area. Custom window treatments offer texture and privacy. We provided every convenience for guests, from luxury layers of bedding and plenty of fluffy white towels to a kitchen stocked with the home chef’s every desire. Welcome home!
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