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Giardini Xeriscape davanti casa - Foto e idee

Front yard garden
Front yard garden
Dorthy Pautz Landscape ArchitectDorthy Pautz Landscape Architect
the front garden is maturing and displaying all the purple flowers contrasting with the yellow house - Mexican Sage, Artemesia, Lavender, Little Ollie Dwarf Olive Standards, Ginkgo tree
Marc Mason Landscape ServicesMarc Mason Landscape Services
Marc Mason Landscape Services
Esempio di un piccolo giardino xeriscape classico esposto in pieno sole davanti casa in estate
Succulents in the front
Succulents in the front
Cool Designs for LandscapesCool Designs for Landscapes
Foto di un giardino xeriscape chic esposto a mezz'ombra di medie dimensioni e davanti casa con ghiaia
Front entrance landscape design
Front entrance landscape design
Terrascapes Landscape DesignTerrascapes Landscape Design
The year-round front garden was designed to be welcoming and reflect the informal nature of the residents and to soften the lines of the raised foundation planter. Photo by Ralph Mercer (ralphmercer.com)
Hummelheim - Insektenfreundlicher Familiengarten bei Berlin
Hummelheim - Insektenfreundlicher Familiengarten bei Berlin
Dendron Exterior Design - Gartengestaltung BerlinDendron Exterior Design - Gartengestaltung Berlin
Santolina - Heiligenkraut - Cotton Lavender Lavandula - Lavendel - Lavender Slate stepping stones in gravel light grey
Foto di un giardino xeriscape nordico esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e davanti casa con un ingresso o sentiero e ghiaia
Joyous Wildlife Habitat in Santa Monica
Joyous Wildlife Habitat in Santa Monica
Urban Oasis Landscape DesignUrban Oasis Landscape Design
A “Little Free Library” with a bespoke rustic bench on the outside of the wall has become a neighborhood gathering spot.
Immagine di un piccolo giardino xeriscape bohémian esposto in pieno sole davanti casa in primavera con pavimentazioni in pietra naturale e recinzione in pietra
Stafford Retreat
Stafford Retreat
Modern carport extends off face of home to provide cover for two cars. Front yard garden softens views entering the home.
Esempio di un giardino xeriscape moderno esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e davanti casa in estate con un ingresso o sentiero
Dramatic Streetscape Planting
Dramatic Streetscape Planting
Eden Garden DesignEden Garden Design
Striking Texas native botanical design with local river rock top dressing. Photographer: Greg Thomas, http://optphotography.com/
Custom Walkway
Custom Walkway
Nunley Remodeling and Stanton LandscapeNunley Remodeling and Stanton Landscape
Idee per un giardino chic davanti casa con ghiaia
Modern Lines
Modern Lines
Designscapes Colorado Inc.Designscapes Colorado Inc.
As you enter through the front door, you can see straight through the house into the backyard. Photographed by David Lauer Photography
Foto di un giardino xeriscape moderno davanti casa in estate con un ingresso o sentiero
Modern Meets Boho
Modern Meets Boho
Photography: Gerardine and Jude Vargas
Idee per un giardino xeriscape moderno esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e davanti casa in autunno con fontane e pavimentazioni in pietra naturale
Dry Creek Bed and Rain Water Harvesting in El Cajon
Dry Creek Bed and Rain Water Harvesting in El Cajon
Botaniscapes by TraceyBotaniscapes by Tracey
Buddy enjoying the view of his new landscape in the sun.
Esempio di un giardino xeriscape country esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e davanti casa con un ingresso o sentiero e pavimentazioni in cemento
Native Sun GardensNative Sun Gardens
Succulents provide a low-maintenance and low water option for your outdoor OR indoor space. They also act as amazing ground covers and are a great alternative to lawns! Photo cred: Joshua Thayer
Comstock Hills - Total Renovation, Spanish Transitional
Comstock Hills - Total Renovation, Spanish Transitional
Dana Benson ConstructionDana Benson Construction
Interior Design by Grace Benson Photography by Bethany Nauert
Ispirazione per un giardino xeriscape classico esposto in pieno sole davanti casa
Mediterranean Xeriscape Garden
Mediterranean Xeriscape Garden
Karen Aitken and AssociatesKaren Aitken and Associates
Aitken & Associates Landscape Architects Installation by www.SalazarCustomConcepts.com
Ispirazione per un grande giardino xeriscape mediterraneo esposto in pieno sole davanti casa
Pasadena Sustainable Planting
Pasadena Sustainable Planting
Studio H Landscape ArchitectureStudio H Landscape Architecture
A low water-use drought tolerant succulent and ornamental grasses planting project in Pasadena, California. We used contrasting colors and textures of plant material to create a curb appeal for this spec home. The aloe and Agave american's are the focal points and add a great architectural element to the project.
Granite Bay, CA
Granite Bay, CA
Artifical Grass & LandscapingArtifical Grass & Landscaping
Our homeowner purchased out Serrano artificial grass for his front yard landscape.
Idee per un giardino xeriscape esposto in pieno sole davanti casa
Bighorn Palm Desert luxury modern home entry landscape design
Bighorn Palm Desert luxury modern home entry landscape design
Whipple Russell ArchitectsWhipple Russell Architects
Bighorn Palm Desert luxury modern home entry landscape design. Photo by William MacCollum.
Esempio di un piccolo giardino moderno esposto in pieno sole davanti casa con ghiaia e recinzione in legno
Contemporary Front Yard w/ Bird's Eye View
Contemporary Front Yard w/ Bird's Eye View
Conscious Environments Inc.Conscious Environments Inc.
A simple Asian-inspired planter is a great accent to this garden.
Esempio di un giardino xeriscape etnico esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e davanti casa in primavera con un ingresso o sentiero e pavimentazioni in cemento
AFTER - Upslope view of completed front yard
AFTER - Upslope view of completed front yard
Metamorphic DesignMetamorphic Design
Central bench area sets the stage for a main feature element, a horizontal tree
Ispirazione per un giardino xeriscape minimalista esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e davanti casa in estate con sassi di fiume

Giardini Xeriscape davanti casa - Foto e idee

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