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Giardini rustici arancioni - Foto e idee

Cedar Cold Frame w/Temperature Sensitive Piston
Cedar Cold Frame w/Temperature Sensitive Piston
Homefront FarmersHomefront Farmers
Cold frames are a terrific way to extend the growing season on both ends; serving as mini-greenhouses they allow your garden to keep producing in cold weather months when growing would otherwise be impossible. These beautiful, locally made cedar cold frames measure 24″x 44″ and slope from 5″ in front to 24″ in back (custom built sizes are also available). A temperature sensitive piston automatically opens and closes the lid as-need to create a perfect climate for your plants.
Three Brick Paths Intersect
Three Brick Paths Intersect
Julie Moir Messervy Design Studio (JMMDS)Julie Moir Messervy Design Studio (JMMDS)
For this Boston-area former hunting lodge, featured in Outside the Not So Big House by Julie Moir Messervy and Sarah Susanka, JMMDS created a landscape design that anchors the house in the site and complements its Tuscan-inspired architectural update. Three paths meet in a circle of bricks that subtly offers visitors a place to pause and consider before continuing in another direction. Moss has been cultivated to fill the spaces between bricks. Photo: Grey Crawford.
Strawberry Fountain
Strawberry Fountain
Edger Landscape DesignEdger Landscape Design
A fountain of strawberries nestles above the herbs, freeing them from disease as they hang over the rim of the pot. Cathy Edger, Edger Landscape Design
Custom Wood Gate
Custom Wood Gate
SOLKOR  |  Creating Stunning Outdoor Living SpacesSOLKOR | Creating Stunning Outdoor Living Spaces
Immagine di un giardino xeriscape stile rurale esposto a mezz'ombra di medie dimensioni e nel cortile laterale in estate con un ingresso o sentiero e ghiaia
Redmond Foss
Redmond Foss
Alderwood Landscape Architecture and ConstructionAlderwood Landscape Architecture and Construction
Immagine di un giardino formale stile rurale dietro casa con un focolare e sassi di fiume
Sundance LandscapingSundance Landscaping
Immagine di un giardino formale rustico esposto a mezz'ombra di medie dimensioni e dietro casa con pacciame
Washoe Valley Remodel and Addition
Washoe Valley Remodel and Addition
WCC design+buildWCC design+build
Idee per un vialetto d'ingresso rustico esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e davanti casa con ghiaia
Paradise Valley
Paradise Valley
Blanchford Landscape GroupBlanchford Landscape Group
Compacted trail fines circular driveway with 12" concrete curb makes nice crisp entry to the home. Naturalized driveway island softens the driveway and conceals the house as part of the arrival sequence. Jessie Moore Photography
Edible Gardens
Edible Gardens
Botanica Landscape Inc.Botanica Landscape Inc.
A large wood bed in a garden provide lots of edibles while providing access for the client
Immagine di un orto in giardino stile rurale esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e dietro casa
Deer Grass Accents in Winter
Deer Grass Accents in Winter
FormLA LandscapingFormLA Landscaping
While the Retreat hosts many fall-blooming native plants, Deer Grass accents steal the show in autumn. The owners love the look of their golden seed heads, which catch the breeze and enchant the birds.
Fencing Style
Fencing Style
JLM ConstructionJLM Construction
This photo shows the grade and height of the new retaining wall, and the fencing used with the grade change to keep a modern look. Showing: *Concrete pads with decomposed granite in between. *Plants that drape over high retaining walls to hide the facade and feel enclosed in a tight pathway. *Custom horizontal fencing and gate to match
Rustic Style Steps
Rustic Style Steps
Rustic Style Steps using Techo-Bloc's Röcka steps.
Esempio di un giardino stile rurale di medie dimensioni e davanti casa
Mica Court • Pollock Pines, CA • 2018
Mica Court • Pollock Pines, CA • 2018
Verne Pershing, The Art of GardeningVerne Pershing, The Art of Gardening
The French Drain continues behind the stone retaining wall we built to hold the hillside above the gravel patio in back.
Foto di un grande giardino xeriscape stile rurale esposto a mezz'ombra nel cortile laterale in primavera con un muro di contenimento e ghiaia
Water Features
Water Features
Roxy DesignsRoxy Designs
The clients had a flat lawn front yard. They wanted to create a sense of wildness for their children to play in. Dad is a hobby entomologist and wanted to attract varied insects. The ecosystem has taken several years to develop and now the aquatic plants create the bio-filtration needed for the koi.
Glass Railings
Glass Railings
GlassArt DesignGlassArt Design
Enjoy the views from your deck with durable glass. We create glass railings on your deck to help provide safety while opening up the view.
Ispirazione per un giardino rustico
Ringwood Water Gardens
Ringwood Water Gardens
CLC Landscape DesignCLC Landscape Design
Esempio di un giardino rustico dietro casa con fontane
Best Hand-Crafted Fire Pits for Your Backyard
Best Hand-Crafted Fire Pits for Your Backyard
Modern BlazeModern Blaze
Immagine di un grande giardino stile rurale dietro casa con un focolare
Base Shoe Channel Internal / External Balustrades
Base Shoe Channel Internal / External Balustrades
Bespoke Frameless Glass ltdBespoke Frameless Glass ltd
Up close image of the side mounted stainless steel channel
Esempio di un giardino stile rurale di medie dimensioni con pedane

Giardini rustici arancioni - Foto e idee

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