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Giardini piccoli davanti casa - Foto e idee

Contemporary garden
Contemporary garden
Living Gardens Landscape DesignLiving Gardens Landscape Design
Contemporary succulent garden
Foto di un piccolo vialetto d'ingresso contemporaneo esposto a mezz'ombra davanti casa con pavimentazioni in cemento
Marc Mason Landscape ServicesMarc Mason Landscape Services
Marc Mason Landscape Services
Esempio di un piccolo giardino xeriscape classico esposto in pieno sole davanti casa in estate
Joyous Wildlife Habitat in Santa Monica
Joyous Wildlife Habitat in Santa Monica
Urban Oasis Landscape DesignUrban Oasis Landscape Design
A “Little Free Library” with a bespoke rustic bench on the outside of the wall has become a neighborhood gathering spot.
Immagine di un piccolo giardino xeriscape bohémian esposto in pieno sole davanti casa in primavera con pavimentazioni in pietra naturale e recinzione in pietra
Native Sun GardensNative Sun Gardens
Succulents provide a low-maintenance and low water option for your outdoor OR indoor space. They also act as amazing ground covers and are a great alternative to lawns! Photo cred: Joshua Thayer
Pasadena Sustainable Planting
Pasadena Sustainable Planting
Studio H Landscape ArchitectureStudio H Landscape Architecture
A low water-use drought tolerant succulent and ornamental grasses planting project in Pasadena, California. We used contrasting colors and textures of plant material to create a curb appeal for this spec home. The aloe and Agave american's are the focal points and add a great architectural element to the project.
Bighorn Palm Desert luxury modern home entry landscape design
Bighorn Palm Desert luxury modern home entry landscape design
Whipple Russell ArchitectsWhipple Russell Architects
Bighorn Palm Desert luxury modern home entry landscape design. Photo by William MacCollum.
Esempio di un piccolo giardino moderno esposto in pieno sole davanti casa con ghiaia e recinzione in legno
Presidio Park Refresh
Presidio Park Refresh
Jackie and the BeanstalkJackie and the Beanstalk
Colorful succulents with Verbena de la Mina, a California native plant
Ispirazione per un piccolo giardino xeriscape mediterraneo esposto a mezz'ombra davanti casa con ghiaia
South Pasadena Craftsman Cottage
South Pasadena Craftsman Cottage
June Scott DesignJune Scott Design
This front yard features a seating area and jar fountain, ringed by aromatic native plantings of California Lilac, Manzanita, Cleveland Sage. A meadow-style planting of native sedge grasses create soft look in the foreground, and new concrete pavers add a modern touch. We also believe the project’s driveway to be among the prettiest we’ve created or seen: a ribbon of stones and grasses now meanders along a Hollywood-style center planting area.
Harvest & Potter
Harvest & Potter
Even SpacesEven Spaces
Foto di un piccolo giardino eclettico esposto a mezz'ombra davanti casa con pavimentazioni in mattoni
The stunning red bark of the dormant Sango Kaku Japanese Maple.
The stunning red bark of the dormant Sango Kaku Japanese Maple.
Outside InStyleOutside InStyle
Decorative bark mulch gives a nice even look to newly planted landscape.
Idee per un piccolo giardino xeriscape minimal esposto a mezz'ombra davanti casa in primavera con un ingresso o sentiero e pacciame
Cazenovia Lake House
Cazenovia Lake House
A J Miller Landscape Architecture PLLCA J Miller Landscape Architecture PLLC
Soft colourful plantings along the pathway, seasonal interest begins in early spring and the planting is still colourful in late summer. Less than a year old the planting was installed last October 2019 and now in August, it looks like it has always been there.
Front Yard Landscape
Front Yard Landscape
Stephanie D PooleStephanie D Poole
The meandering flagstone pathway is planted with dymondia margaretae and blue chalksticks (Senecio serpens). The blues are often punctuated with dark browns of aeonium arboreum and phormium jack spratt.
McKendry Dr.
McKendry Dr.
Pritchard Landscape DesignPritchard Landscape Design
Idee per un piccolo giardino etnico in ombra davanti casa con un ingresso o sentiero e pavimentazioni in pietra naturale
Conscious Stream Scape 2 Year Update - Silverlake
Conscious Stream Scape 2 Year Update - Silverlake
Ketti Kupper Conscious Life DesignKetti Kupper Conscious Life Design
Photo by Ketti Kupper
Idee per un piccolo giardino minimal esposto in pieno sole davanti casa
Xeric Front Yard Garden
Xeric Front Yard Garden
Online Landscape DesignsOnline Landscape Designs
This xeric landscape design is based on a desire for a front yard that is not only water wise, but colorful, interesting, and bird and bee friendly. I was able to use some water saving ideas for the garden while working around the homeowner’s beautiful and mature silver maple tree. We started by removing all of the thirsty turf and installing a drip irrigation system that efficiently waters each plant individually at its roots. I then designed a water wise front yard garden with bermed areas for contour, moss rock boulders for year round visual interest, pathways for navigating the garden, evergreen plants for winter greenery, and shrubs and perennials that bloom from early spring to late fall for as much color as possible through three seasons. The homeowners wanted a very detailed plant design, so I created two versions of the design, one with a plant key and the other with plant labels. The plant pallet features xeric shrubs and perennials that attract pollinators such as bees, hummingbirds, and butterflies. Many of the shrubs provide berries, not only for the birds, but also for the homeowners to enjoy. There are perennial herbs, medicinal plants and Colorado natives in the landscape design as well. This variety of plants transformed the front yard into a space that is water wise and functional as well as beautiful.
Berkeley Rock Garden
Berkeley Rock Garden
Roxy DesignsRoxy Designs
Photo: © Jude Parkinson-Morgan
Foto di un piccolo giardino xeriscape mediterraneo esposto a mezz'ombra davanti casa con un focolare e ghiaia
Mid Century Modern Landscape Transformation
Mid Century Modern Landscape Transformation
Dig Your Garden Landscape DesignDig Your Garden Landscape Design
With a limited budget, we were able to transform and update this front garden with a new modern pathway, a small patio, and a variety of low-water and low-maintenance plants. The black mulch completes this modern landscape design transformation. Dianella tasmanica 'Variegata', Asparagus densiflorus 'Meyers' - Fox tail Fern, and Daphne odora 'Marginata' are great companions in partly shaded areas. © Eileen Kelly, Dig Your Garden Landscape Design
Ransome Avenue, Oakland CA
Ransome Avenue, Oakland CA
Idee per un piccolo giardino formale minimal esposto a mezz'ombra davanti casa in estate con un giardino in vaso e pavimentazioni in cemento
Modern cottage with low water frontyard planting
Modern cottage with low water frontyard planting
June Scott DesignJune Scott Design
Succulents, grasses and low-water shrubs with vivid foliage give this coastal garden a rich, textured look with minimal maintenance. Exterior colors and furniture selection by Julie McMahon. Photos by Daniel Bosler
sycamore mulch-less conversion
sycamore mulch-less conversion
Teach ‘em to Fish LandscapingTeach ‘em to Fish Landscaping
Immagine di un piccolo giardino moderno esposto a mezz'ombra davanti casa in estate con un ingresso o sentiero e pavimentazioni in pietra naturale

Giardini piccoli davanti casa - Foto e idee

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