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Giardini etnici - Foto e idee

Japanese Tea House
Japanese Tea House
Miriam's River House Designs, LLCMiriam's River House Designs, LLC
The location and placement of the Japanese Tea House is very specific and was based on mathematical, metaphysical and spiritual principles. This Tea House is an artistic version of an authentic style Tea House. It is meant to be a one of a kind art piece and yet has the functional capability of holding a traditional Tea ceremony. Photo credits: Dan Drobnick
Contemporary Front Yard w/ Bird's Eye View
Contemporary Front Yard w/ Bird's Eye View
Conscious Environments Inc.Conscious Environments Inc.
A simple Asian-inspired planter is a great accent to this garden.
Esempio di un giardino xeriscape etnico esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e davanti casa in primavera con un ingresso o sentiero e pavimentazioni in cemento
Asian-Influenced Suburban Sanctuary
Asian-Influenced Suburban Sanctuary
Alderwood Landscape Architecture and ConstructionAlderwood Landscape Architecture and Construction
These clients' small yard had severe drainage issues, making it difficult for their large family to spend time outdoors. We worked with the clients to create several spaces in the small area that flowed together and met the family's needs. The modern-styled furniture spaces divided by flagstone pavers separated the spaces while an array of short plantings, Japanese maples, and Asian lantern decor introduced fluidity.
Richmond Asian Garden
Richmond Asian Garden
Northwest Native Landscapes LLCNorthwest Native Landscapes LLC
This compact, urban backyard was in desperate need of privacy. We created a series of outdoor rooms, privacy screens, and lush plantings all with an Asian-inspired design sense. Elements include a covered outdoor lounge room, sun decks, rock gardens, shade garden, evergreen plant screens, and raised boardwalk to connect the various outdoor spaces. The finished space feels like a true backyard oasis.
Buddha meditation garden
Buddha meditation garden
Family Tree & GardenFamily Tree & Garden
A wandering meditation garden circling around a giant buddha, purchased by the homeowner
Immagine di un giardino etnico esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e dietro casa con pavimentazioni in pietra naturale
Japanese tea garden
Japanese tea garden
Wildroof LandscapesWildroof Landscapes
Foto di un giardino etnico esposto a mezz'ombra di medie dimensioni in primavera con un ingresso o sentiero, un pendio, una collina o una riva e pavimentazioni in pietra naturale
Zen Garden
Zen Garden
The Garden Artist LLCThe Garden Artist LLC
Blu Fish Photography
Foto di un giardino formale etnico esposto a mezz'ombra di medie dimensioni e dietro casa in primavera con pavimentazioni in pietra naturale
Recent Projects
Recent Projects
Cultivar, Inc.Cultivar, Inc.
Idee per un giardino etnico esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e dietro casa in primavera con un ingresso o sentiero e pavimentazioni in pietra naturale
Water feature in a small space
Water feature in a small space
Horn & Co. (Previously JHLA)Horn & Co. (Previously JHLA)
Our clients on this project were inspired by their travels to Asia and wanted to mimic this aesthetic at their DC property. We designed a water feature that effectively masks adjacent traffic noise and maintains a small footprint.
Bed Stuy Zen - Steel, Stone, & Water
Bed Stuy Zen - Steel, Stone, & Water
The Brooklyn Garden Club Inc.The Brooklyn Garden Club Inc.
Esempio di un piccolo giardino formale etnico esposto a mezz'ombra davanti casa in inverno con un muro di contenimento e pavimentazioni in pietra naturale
Waterfall and Koi Pond
Waterfall and Koi Pond
DREAMSCAPES Landscape and DesignDREAMSCAPES Landscape and Design
Immagine di un grande laghetto da giardino etnico esposto in pieno sole davanti casa in estate con pavimentazioni in pietra naturale
Oriental Garden and Space - Helotes
Oriental Garden and Space - Helotes
VHS LandscapingVHS Landscaping
Landscape and Photos done by VHS Landscaping in San Antonio. Oriental themed garden and living space. Shadow rock beds with decorative rock lining. Beds are accompanied by a large array of hearty plants, Buddha/Monk themed installations, with a large Ong collector. See more of our projects on VHSLandscaping.com
Oriental Garden and Space - Helotes
Oriental Garden and Space - Helotes
VHS LandscapingVHS Landscaping
Landscape and Photos done by VHS Landscaping in San Antonio. Oriental themed garden and living space. Shadow rock beds with decorative rock lining. Beds are accompanied by a large array of hearty plants, Buddha/Monk themed installations, with a large Ong collector. See more of our projects on VHSLandscaping.com
Wildflower Landscape Design at K&D LandscapingWildflower Landscape Design at K&D Landscaping
Ispirazione per un giardino xeriscape etnico esposto a mezz'ombra di medie dimensioni e davanti casa in primavera con fontane e pavimentazioni in pietra naturale
Clumping Bamboo and Steel Retaining Walls
Clumping Bamboo and Steel Retaining Walls
Eden Garden DesignEden Garden Design
Clumping bamboo provides shade and privacy at the rear of the house. Photographer: Greg Thomas, http://optphotography.com/
Zur Ruhe kommen
Zur Ruhe kommen
Werner Frick - Garten- und LandschaftsbauWerner Frick - Garten- und Landschaftsbau
Den wundervollen Herbst genießen, der Seele Nahrung geben – in einem Garten von Werner Frick. ................................................................ Lassen Sie sich inspirieren auf www.frick-winhoering.de Fotograf: Stephan Frick
San Luis Obispo Woodland Garden
San Luis Obispo Woodland Garden
Erik Jones LandscapingErik Jones Landscaping
A pond and stream are hidden along these steps. Backyard steps utilize large flagstone pieces. Irish moss, blue star creeper, scotch moss, and mini mondo grass are a few of the plants growing between the stones. This yard has over 60 Japanese Maples and lots of ferns, ligularias, hydrangeas, and other shade plants Erik Jones
Asian viewing garden privacy screen and bluestone garden walkway.
Asian viewing garden privacy screen and bluestone garden walkway.
Sallie Hill Design, Landscape ArchitectSallie Hill Design, Landscape Architect
Asian viewing garden privacy fence - screen used along side bluestone patio and plantings - ©2015 Brian Hill
Idee per un grande giardino formale etnico esposto a mezz'ombra nel cortile laterale con un ingresso o sentiero e pavimentazioni in pietra naturale
Japanese Tea House
Japanese Tea House
Miriam's River House Designs, LLCMiriam's River House Designs, LLC
Front double door entrance to Japanese Tea House. Photo displays a wood front porch with a reclaimed sandstone in the middle. The building is constructed with 8 different kinds of wood. The Japanese-style roof is constructed from copper and contains 4 skylight windows. Photo Credits: Dan Drobnick
East Hampton Koi Pond
East Hampton Koi Pond
AH Ponds, Inc.AH Ponds, Inc.
Esempio di un grande giardino formale etnico esposto a mezz'ombra dietro casa con fontane e pavimentazioni in pietra naturale

Giardini etnici - Foto e idee

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