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Giardini blu con recinzione in legno - Foto e idee

Hübner Gärtner von EdenHübner Gärtner von Eden
Die Bepflanzung am Pool ist in voller Pracht. Schmetterlinge, Libellen & Co erfreuen sich sehr daran.
Idee per una piccola aiuola contemporanea esposta in pieno sole in estate con pavimentazioni in pietra naturale e recinzione in legno
le jardin des amis
le jardin des amis
Duval&Bossennec - Paysagiste concepteurDuval&Bossennec - Paysagiste concepteur
Foto di un privacy in giardino design esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e dietro casa in primavera con pedane e recinzione in legno
Moraga Concert Yard
Moraga Concert Yard
Garden Lights Landscape and Pool Development Inc.Garden Lights Landscape and Pool Development Inc.
Fun Backyard that was made for living, With making a missed place pool flow with the rest of the Yard. The client wants to use the yard asa place for concerts and Large Parties. The backyard opens to beautiful open space so the garden design and lay out needs to blend, frame but most all not obscure the view. The word party made us very aware of the flow and ease of using and walking around the Garden.
Clôture - Ecran bois
Clôture - Ecran bois
Auffray Paysage - Parcs & JardinsAuffray Paysage - Parcs & Jardins
Aménagement d'un écran décoratif en bois naturel avec insertion de totem en acier Corten. Installation de jardinière en acier Corten. Finition de sol en ballast.
Western Red Cedar seating
Western Red Cedar seating
Maximize DesignMaximize Design
The lower part of the backrest has been installed in a 15 degree angle to make sitting more comfortable. OSMO UV protection oil has been used to preserve the colour of the cedar battens.
Typical 70's house front garden redevelopment
Typical 70's house front garden redevelopment
Ruth Bridgeman Garden DesignRuth Bridgeman Garden Design
The client expanded their living area by returning this area to garden as the drive already fits 2 cars plus the garage. By adding French doors they have significantly increased the sense of space indoors as well as effectively adding a new outdoor room. It has become a firm favourite as it is a total sun trap.
deer gardendeer garden
南丹市で無印の家に合うナチュラルモダンなガーデンが完成しました。 石、枕木、足場板などの自然素材とコンクリート平板などの無機質な素材の融合で、MUJIRUSIのコンセプトの使い心地が良く無駄を省いて機能的で、愛情を持って永く使える、やさしいONIWAになりました。
Idee per un giardino minimalista esposto a mezz'ombra davanti casa in estate con recinzione in legno
Urban Garden
Urban Garden
Amazon Landscaping and Garden DesignAmazon Landscaping and Garden Design
Acer Japonica in Contemporary Compact Design by Amazon Landscaping and Garden Design mALCI 014060004 Amazonlandscaping.ie
Esempio di un piccolo giardino formale minimal esposto in pieno sole dietro casa in estate con un ingresso o sentiero, pavimentazioni in pietra naturale e recinzione in legno
Contemporary Curb Appeal & Outdoor Living
Contemporary Curb Appeal & Outdoor Living
GO Designs Inc.GO Designs Inc.
Completing the Vibe...Cool & Contemporary Curb Appeal that helps complete our clients special spaces. From the start...it feels like it was here all along. The perimeter tree line serving as a partial wind break has a feel that most parks long for. Lit up at night, it almost feels like youre in a downtown urban park. Forever Lawn grass brightens the front lawn without all the maintenance. Full accessibility with custom concrete rocksalt deck pads makes it easy for everyone to get around. Accent lighting adds to the environments ambiance positioned for safety and athletics. Natural limestone & mossrock boulders engraves the terrain, softening the energy & movement. We bring all the colors together on a custom cedar fence that adds privacy & function. Moving into the backyard, steps pads, ipe deck & forever lawn adds depth and comfort making spaces to slow down and admire your moments in the landscaped edges.
At Water's Edge
At Water's Edge
Best Builders ltdBest Builders ltd
Idee per un grande giardino design esposto a mezz'ombra in estate con un pendio, una collina o una riva, ghiaia e recinzione in legno
le jardin des amis
le jardin des amis
Duval&Bossennec - Paysagiste concepteurDuval&Bossennec - Paysagiste concepteur
Ispirazione per un giardino design esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e dietro casa in primavera con pedane e recinzione in legno
#036 さくらを愛でながら
#036 さくらを愛でながら
Green Scape Lab(GSL)Green Scape Lab(GSL)
K Temple ガーデン&エクステリア工事(リノベーション) Photo by Green Scape Lab(GSL)
Foto di un grande giardino minimalista esposto in pieno sole davanti casa in primavera con pavimentazioni in cemento e recinzione in legno
Ideal Space, Lavish Lifestlye
Ideal Space, Lavish Lifestlye
Prime RealtyPrime Realty
Foto di un giardino minimalista esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e dietro casa in estate con pedane e recinzione in legno
Backyard Update - Clairemont
Backyard Update - Clairemont
Landscape LogicLandscape Logic
We removed this water-thirsty lawn and replaced it with artificial turf and pavers. It's a huge upgrade and big water saver from what was there before. See the transformation with these before and afters.
Este Proyecto responde a la solicitud de nuestros clientes para cambiar un jardín percibido como un espacio encerrado por la fuerte presencia del muro perimetral y, a la vez, expuesto por la falta de privacidad producto de las visuales directas de los vecinos más cercanos. ​ Para esto nos contrataron para hacer el diseño el cual se plasmó en planos y una imagen fotorrealista/3D que permitió mostrar a los clientes el "antes" y "después" de su jardín. Una vez aprobado el diseño se presentó el presupuesto de ejecución y, una vez aprobado, se comenzaron los trabajos de obra con una duración total de 2 semanas, comenzando con las bases/fundaciones de los bastidores de madera los cuales fueron sin duda los protagonistas de fondo. ​ Este Jardín fue diseñado con la premisa de ser un espacio dual: contemplativo/de relajación y lúdico al dejar un espacio libre y flexible listo para ser disfrutado por los niños de la casa. ​ Los bastidores de madera se propusieron como una solución tanto estética como funcional al bloquear las visuales de las viviendas vecinas otorgando la privacidad deseada. ​ El uso de bambúes y la conservación de los laureles en flor existentes ayudan a desdibujar el muro perimetral existente. El enfoque particular en una esquina se logró con la propuesta de un arreglo con fuente, cuarzo blanco, flores e iluminación que, junto a una banca de madera, definen ese espacio especial y acogedor dentro del nuevo jardín.
Musterhaus Liesl
Musterhaus Liesl
Regnauer Hausbau GmbH & Co. KGRegnauer Hausbau GmbH & Co. KG
Besonderes Lebensgefühl, in funktionale Grundrisskonzepte gegossen: Ein Hauseingang, der sogenannte "Flez", gliedert das Erdgeschoss wie früher üblich in einen Wohn- und Wirtschaftstrakt. Am Eingang und zum Garten hin üppig verglast, verbindet er draußen und drinnen. Durch großzügige Verglasung und Doppelflügel-Türen nicht vom Geschehen abgeschottet, aber dennoch als Rückzugort gedacht, ist die traditionelle, gleichzeitig modern gestaltete "Stube", die mit großer Liegefläche und Holzofen viel Gemütlichkeit offeriert. Varianten sind selbstverständlich denkbar.
Nice PoziNice Pozi
Immagine di una grande aiuola contemporanea esposta in pieno sole dietro casa con pedane e recinzione in legno
Water in the Landscape
Water in the Landscape
Accent LandscapesAccent Landscapes
This natural stone water feature is located in the Broadmoor. It has multiple ponds, stream beds, and waterfalls.
Immagine di un grande laghetto da giardino eclettico esposto a mezz'ombra dietro casa in primavera con pacciame e recinzione in legno
Idee per un giardino minimalista esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e dietro casa in estate con pedane e recinzione in legno
Agassiz Custom Pool Fence Build
Agassiz Custom Pool Fence Build
Premium Fence CompanyPremium Fence Company
Take a look at this beautiful hand built Cedar pool fence. The fence is custom designed and built combining our Kensington and Cambridge overlap options making this a stunning sight.

Giardini blu con recinzione in legno - Foto e idee

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