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Idee per una stanza da bagno classica
LiLu Interiors
LiLu Interiors
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle38 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Family Fab

Faced with a new construction project for this growing family of six, LiLu Interiors combined new home amenities with old world character to bring about efficient charm. The result is a fabulously functional redesign of the kitchen with adjoining mudroom and kids’ powder room that support their on-the-go lifestyle. The new master bath upstairs provides a tranquil getaway for mom and dad to unwind after a hectic day. --- Project designed by Minneapolis interior design studio LiLu Interiors. They serve the Minneapolis-St. Paul area including Wayzata, Edina, and Rochester, and they travel to the far-flung destinations that their upscale clientele own second homes in. --- For more about LiLu Interiors, click here: https://www.liluinteriors.com/

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