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The Past Perfect Collection
The Past Perfect Collection
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Dutch colonial mahogany & ebony chest on stand

A Dutch colonial mahogany antique chest on stand with details in ebony and beautiful brass work. The lid with a flat panel is surrounded by an ebony edge likewise the front and the side panels of the chest. The front features an elaborate pierced brass escutcheon, the original lock and large key present. The lock is attached by means of bolts with studs on the outside, a typical feature of the characteristic decoration of the colonial chest. On the sides beautiful cast bail lift handles. This chest was designed for storage inside the house, the stand keeping the contents clear from damp floors. A beautiful mid 19th century piece from the Coromandel coast in India, decorated with original oil lamps, silver from Jaipur and a Victorian mahogany mirror.

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thistooshallpass lo ha aggiunto a Revere Pewter19 luglio 2019

Standing trays on side

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