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Idee per un soggiorno chic con pareti bianche, parquet scuro, camino classico e cornice del camino in legno

Decorist Celebrity Designer Christina Murphy

Named one of America's Top 100 Designers by House Beautiful, Christina Murphy is known for her broad range as a designer, creating original, thoughtful spaces for both residential and commercial clients. Christina started her design career in 1999 at Kemble Interiors and has been featured on ABC's The View, in House Beautiful, Lucky Magazine, In Style Home and The New York Times. Her work is known for bringing out the best in her client's individual style, discovering the happy medium between beautiful and practical. Christina is a graduate of Georgetown University, The American Institute for Foreign Study in Italy and The New York School of Interior Design. Start your Christina Murphy makeover here http://www.decorist.com/designers/31040/christina-murphy/
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