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Idee per una cucina minimal
Astro Design Centre
Astro Design Centre
Valutazione media: 4.9 di 5 stelle56 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Contemporary Kitchen Design - Openly Bright

Avid entertainers who often host dinner parties and family events, want to go beyond simply having a functional and entertaining kitchen. The clients wish to give it a striking presence that encourages guests to gather and converse with one another. In consideration of this, the designer chose a warm neutral colour palette with darker tones to create an inviting and engaging environment. The stainless-steel hood and upper cabinetry on the expanse of one wall highlights the activity within the area and calls people to come together and cook. This detail becomes a bold accent within the space as the stainless steel is carried down onto the first set of drawers and on the appliances. The use of this industrial finish entices visitors to enter the kitchen.
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