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Foto di una grande piscina tradizionale rettangolare dietro casa con pavimentazioni in pietra naturale
Braen Supply
Braen Supply
Valutazione media: 4.9 di 5 stelle30 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Complementing a Newly Built Home

Complementing the Home This homeowner approached the experts at Braen Supply to help him select materials for his newly constructed home. The style and design of the house was already completed, therefore, the selected materials needed to complement the features of the home. The homeowner’s one request was to find a patio stone that would emulate a bluestone; however, it would not absorb as much heat as bluestone, allowing swimmers to comfortably move from the pool to the patio without having to worry about shoes. Working With the Experts The experts at Braen Supply were able to find the perfect material to meet the homeowner’s needs and then used that to find materials for the façade, fireplace and outdoor kitchen, while still maintaining a concise look throughout the home. The materials that were selected gave the home a unique, yet classic look.
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