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Ispirazione per una cucina ad U tradizionale chiusa e di medie dimensioni con lavello a doppia vasca, ante con bugna sagomata, ante in legno scuro, top in granito, paraspruzzi grigio, paraspruzzi con piastrelle in ceramica, elettrodomestici neri, pavimento con piastrelle in ceramica, penisola e pavimento beige
Living By Laura
Living By Laura
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle17 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Burien Mid-90s Kitchen Rebrand

This kitchen remodel was interesting because the owners loved their previous kitchen but wanted to update well-worn laminate and vinyl surfaces. We installed "Whisper" Corian in the kitchen area. The surface is forgiving, doesn't break every glass that falls on it and hides seams. We spent the extra few dollars with the fabricator to set the pattern one-way across the kitchen instead of turning with the "run" of the countertops. You can't see they physical seams and you cannot see the pattern change at the seams. Other items upgraded in the space were: The backsplash in a blue-gray porcelain with glass accent. The kitchen sink to an under-counter model. The dishwasher, cooktop and oven were upgraded, however black appliances topped stainless for this remodel. Interesting fact: the glass in the proper cooking area is not the same color as the glass in back of the bar sink. They look the same, but the bar backsplash is more complimentary to its sink. The difference is undetectable looking across the kitchen. The "office" area was updated to go underneath the countertop with a pull-out shelf. The shelf allows papers, and needed items to be stored below the counter surface. This design is practical and casually elegant for the kitchen command center. The two peninsulas were done in "Cosmos" granite. By adding granite to the top-cap of the bar, these areas blend into the living area. The glass sink is new along with the glass tile but the Grohe faucet is a re-use from the original kitchen. They loved that faucet so why change something that you like that still works beautifully after nearly 25 years? The vinyl floor was upgraded to vinyl tile. This choice is softer and warm underfoot compared to other hard surfaces including porcelain tile.
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