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Foto di una piccola stanza da bagno padronale classica con ante lisce, ante marroni, vasca ad alcova, vasca/doccia, WC a due pezzi, piastrelle bianche, pareti bianche, pavimento in gres porcellanato, pavimento nero, top bianco, un lavabo e mobile bagno sospeso
123 Remodeling Inc.
123 Remodeling Inc.
Valutazione media: 4.8 di 5 stelle94 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Bright Small Bathroom Remodel In Ukrainian Village (Chicago, IL)

Our main goal for this bathroom remodel was to update and brighten the space. It’s a small bathroom so to achieve this, we designed the shower walls with white, timeless subway tile installing it in a modern, vertical pattern. Black marble hexagon floor tile provided a unique twist on a classic natural material and the simplistic and clean black plumbing fixtures created a contrast in the space. A floating vanity allowed for the practical storage a small bathroom needs while feeling light and modern as the wood finish adds warmth. The unique size of the shower allowed us to create a custom built-in cubby / shower bench with storage to utilize every inch of space while allowing the natural light to shine through. 123remodeling.com - Kitchen, Bath and Condo Remodelers in Chicago, IL.
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