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Bordi Prato con pedane - Foto e idee

Riverside Sanctuary
Riverside Sanctuary
Salt + Dirt | Outside DesignSalt + Dirt | Outside Design
The home was perched on a massive expanse of lawn that we "right sized" by composing garden beds in correct proportion to the home. The Client wanted beauty, opulence, lushness, and sensual delight. Climbing roses waves their blossoms in air, backlight by river water light. Ornamental grasses spray like whitewater from between romantic garden favorites: peonies, daisies, delphinium, catmints. Each species was selected for its solid performance, be it everblooming blossoms, fragrance, or architectural stature. Repetition, proportion, form and rhythm bring order and ease to the eye, whether something is in flower or not.
Nedlands Garden
Nedlands Garden
sustainable garden design perthsustainable garden design perth
Patterson Group Architects Peta-anne photography
Foto di un giardino design dietro casa con pedane
Baldivis Garden
Baldivis Garden
Esempio di un giardino design esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e dietro casa in primavera con pedane
Garden Landscaping in Austin, TX
Garden Landscaping in Austin, TX
Lighting options for your landscape project are only limited by your imagination. Soft white or colored lighting can dramatically alter the look and feel of a selected area of your garden. In this photo, you can see the Asian style lanterns we installed. We positioned the one in the foreground to highlight one area of the garden. We placed the other two on either side of the steps leading to the deck. They not only provide a strong light source to provide safety, but they also act to entice the visitor to climb the steps and explore another area of the garden landscape.
Simms Lane
Simms Lane
Byres Building GroupByres Building Group
Idee per un giardino stile rurale esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e dietro casa in estate con pedane
松原建築計画/matsubara architect design office松原建築計画/matsubara architect design office
Foto di un giardino nordico esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e davanti casa in primavera con pedane
Contemporary Curb Appeal & Outdoor Living
Contemporary Curb Appeal & Outdoor Living
GO Designs Inc.GO Designs Inc.
Completing the Vibe...Cool & Contemporary Curb Appeal that helps complete our clients special spaces. From the start...it feels like it was here all along. The perimeter tree line serving as a partial wind break has a feel that most parks long for. Lit up at night, it almost feels like youre in a downtown urban park. Forever Lawn grass brightens the front lawn without all the maintenance. Full accessibility with custom concrete rocksalt deck pads makes it easy for everyone to get around. Accent lighting adds to the environments ambiance positioned for safety and athletics. Natural limestone & mossrock boulders engraves the terrain, softening the energy & movement. We bring all the colors together on a custom cedar fence that adds privacy & function. Moving into the backyard, steps pads, ipe deck & forever lawn adds depth and comfort making spaces to slow down and admire your moments in the landscaped edges.
Modern Custom Home
Modern Custom Home
Design Appruv, Inc.Design Appruv, Inc.
Foto di un piccolo giardino moderno esposto a mezz'ombra dietro casa in primavera con pedane
Espace de vie du jardin
Espace de vie du jardin
Terrasses des Oliviers - Paysagiste ParisTerrasses des Oliviers - Paysagiste Paris
La propriétaire de ce jardin souhaitez un espace dinatoire et un espace solarium. Une végétation luxuriante en rapport avec ses nombreux voyages équatoriaux. Nous avons donc opté pour un grand plancher en bois exotique et une végétation de sous bois du sud est asiatique.
Niddrie Space
Niddrie Space
Embrace Garden DesignEmbrace Garden Design
The perfect space fro adults and kids alike, large deck for entertaining, whilst watching the kids play on the trampoline, or frolic on the lawn!
Foto di un giardino contemporaneo esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e dietro casa in estate con pedane
Earnest architectsEarnest architects
Idee per un giardino moderno esposto in pieno sole in cortile in estate con pedane
Croydon South Unit Development
Croydon South Unit Development
Backyard with instant turf
Esempio di un giardino vittoriano esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e dietro casa in primavera con pedane
Lifestyle Home DesignsLifestyle Home Designs
Idee per un giardino minimal esposto a mezz'ombra di medie dimensioni e dietro casa con pedane
株式会社ノアデザインインク 一級建築士事務所株式会社ノアデザインインク 一級建築士事務所
Esempio di un giardino mediterraneo esposto in pieno sole nel cortile laterale con pedane
Foto di un giardino esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e in cortile con pedane e recinzione in legno
株式会社 結設計株式会社 結設計
Esempio di un giardino minimalista esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e davanti casa in estate con pedane
Simms Lane
Simms Lane
Byres Building GroupByres Building Group
Foto di un giardino stile rurale esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e dietro casa in estate con pedane
Reduzierter Reihenhausgarten
Reduzierter Reihenhausgarten
besgen Landschaftsarchitekturbesgen Landschaftsarchitektur
Idee per un piccolo giardino minimal esposto a mezz'ombra in autunno con pedane
Beaumaris Family Garden
Beaumaris Family Garden
Davidson Design StudioDavidson Design Studio
Evergreen screen planting runs along the rear boundaries to provide a lush backdrop to the garden, while colourful border planting defines the edges of the functional synthetic turf activity space.
Espace de vie du jardin
Espace de vie du jardin
Terrasses des Oliviers - Paysagiste ParisTerrasses des Oliviers - Paysagiste Paris
Ispirazione per un piccolo giardino design esposto a mezz'ombra dietro casa in primavera con pedane e recinzione in legno

Bordi Prato con pedane - Foto e idee

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