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Esempio di una piccola cucina ad U classica chiusa con lavello a vasca singola, ante in stile shaker, ante in legno chiaro, top in quarzo composito, elettrodomestici neri e pavimento in vinile
Newcastle Kitchen & Bedroom Co
Newcastle Kitchen & Bedroom Co
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle74 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Bespoke Painted Beaded Shaker

Every space presents it’s own unique set of challenges often created by structural elements. Our recently completed project within a room once containing a chimney breast, also consisted of; 3 windows, 2 doorways and staircase bulkhead, providing little opportunity for above eye-level cabinetry. The resulting design focuses on maximising storage at it’s most accessible height, using a combination of pullout mechanisms and full extension drawer systems with dividing inserts to fully optimise the low-level cabinetry. Our bespoke beaded Shaker furniture finished in Little Green French Grey provides a fresh modern feel to this beautiful late-19th Century property in Gosforth...
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