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Idee per una taverna contemporanea seminterrata di medie dimensioni con pareti beige e moquette
Chi Renovation & Design
Chi Renovation & Design
Valutazione media: 4.9 di 5 stelle107 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Basement Remodel

A fun updated to a once dated basement. We renovated this client’s basement to be the perfect play area for their children as well as a chic gathering place for their friends and family. In order to accomplish this, we needed to ensure plenty of storage and seating. Some of the first elements we installed were large cabinets throughout the basement as well as a large banquette, perfect for hiding children’s toys as well as offering ample seating for their guests. Next, to brighten up the space in colors both children and adults would find pleasing, we added a textured blue accent wall and painted the cabinetry a pale green. Upstairs, we renovated the bathroom to be a kid-friendly space by replacing the stand-up shower with a full bath. The natural stone wall adds warmth to the space and creates a visually pleasing contrast of design. Lastly, we designed an organized and practical mudroom, creating a perfect place for the whole family to store jackets, shoes, backpacks, and purses. Designed by Chi Renovation & Design who serve Chicago and it's surrounding suburbs, with an emphasis on the North Side and North Shore. You'll find their work from the Loop through Lincoln Park, Skokie, Wilmette, and all of the way up to Lake Forest. For more about Chi Renovation & Design, click here: https://www.chirenovation.com/ To learn more about this project, click here: https://www.chirenovation.com/portfolio/lincoln-square-basement-renovation/
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