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gardenUP Garden Designs
gardenUP Garden Designs
Idee per un giardino chic esposto a mezz'ombra di medie dimensioni e davanti casa in primavera con pacciame
Japanese inspired city garden
Japanese inspired city garden
Ruth Bridgeman Garden DesignRuth Bridgeman Garden Design
Japanese inspired city garden planted in swathes of green with a granite gravel centre, copper rill fed by an antique lion head spout. Burnt cedar separate room with window set in fence to views beyond and minimal bamboo planting with ceramic planter.
West Grove
West Grove
Twisted Rock Terrascape & Design, Inc.Twisted Rock Terrascape & Design, Inc.
Nice and clean!! Great curb appeal!! Our client wanted a simple and functional yard and as the property was located on a corner they wanted it to look great as you approached their home. We tied a bed from the front along the side to allow for some plantings to soften the rock on the house. Concrete edging and a vinyl fence added a great look while keeping in mind ease of maintenance. An engraved address rock and some nice plantings brought the project to life!!
Coastal NJ Residence
Coastal NJ Residence
Sudbury Design GroupSudbury Design Group
Fred Forbes Photogroupe
Ispirazione per una grande aiuola vittoriana davanti casa con pavimentazioni in cemento
Kentfield Contemporary Garden
Kentfield Contemporary Garden
Avant GardenAvant Garden
English style entry planting photo by Galen Fultz
Idee per un'aiuola contemporanea esposta a mezz'ombra di medie dimensioni e davanti casa in estate con pavimentazioni in pietra naturale
Jardin caché calme et verdoyant
Jardin caché calme et verdoyant
Atelier MaleyranAtelier Maleyran
Conception d'une alcôve verdoyante dans un jardin minéral ! Place à la végétation pour cet écrin de verdure doux et reposant loin de la piscine et de son agitation. Un endroit agréable, frais et ombragé pour se reposer avant de refaire un plongeon dans la piscine ou prolonger le moment de détente dans le spa ! Voici un jardin aux multiples ambiances !
Pourrières, jardin en restanques
Pourrières, jardin en restanques
Ispirazione per un'aiuola mediterranea esposta in pieno sole con ghiaia
Low Maintenance Gardens
Low Maintenance Gardens
Mary-Jo Melnyk Garden DesignsMary-Jo Melnyk Garden Designs
Simple and elegant curb appeal for a new build. Low Maintenance for easy care and upkeep. more evergreens, for year round interest.
Idee per un piccolo giardino tradizionale esposto in pieno sole davanti casa in estate con pacciame
Southern Charm
Southern Charm
Baker Design StudioBaker Design Studio
Immagine di un giardino chic esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e davanti casa con pavimentazioni in mattoni e recinzione in metallo
A Cotswold garden in Stow on the Wold
A Cotswold garden in Stow on the Wold
Joanne Alderson DesignJoanne Alderson Design
A classic Cotswold garden of rooms in Stow on the Wold. Topiary & swags of climbers define each space with stone & gravel paths lead from space to space. Shown here is the fabulous Cornus together with topiary domes leading to the garden gate
Green Lake- small space garden
Green Lake- small space garden
Kim Rooney DesignKim Rooney Design
Landscape by Kim Rooney
Esempio di un piccolo giardino classico esposto a mezz'ombra dietro casa
Paving stone projects
Paving stone projects
Brickworks Landscaping LTDBrickworks Landscaping LTD
Esempio di un'aiuola rustica esposta in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e davanti casa in estate con sassi di fiume
Back yard Renovation - Mulch Beds
Back yard Renovation - Mulch Beds
Outside Dreams Landscape Design and ConstructionOutside Dreams Landscape Design and Construction
Mulch beds, river rock beds, plantings
Ispirazione per un piccolo giardino esposto in pieno sole dietro casa con sassi di fiume
Small Corner Planting
Small Corner Planting
Plan-it Earth DesignPlan-it Earth Design
Even small spaces can provide interest and lush plantings as seen from the deck and beautiful stone path Garden Coaching by Plan-it Earth Design Stonework by J. Walter Landscape & Irrigation Photo by Joshua McCullough, PhytoPhoto
Prominent Palo Alto Corner Now colorful
Prominent Palo Alto Corner Now colorful
Inviting Spaces By KimInviting Spaces By Kim
This centrally located intersection to a main thoroughfare a block away was a concern because of the corner lot visibility issue for cars making a turn driving in either direction. The Quince tree bloomed annually for just a short time and was originally planted by the prior home owners decades ago. Keeping it maintained to a height of 4’ maximum, dictated for safety reasons, was still obstructing and limiting the visibility of oncoming traffic at this busy intersection. The existing roses planted in the same space as the Quince were a perfect backdrop to the new perennials and annuals planted to paint this corner with flowers. The project also included expanding the beautification to both corner areas in coordination with several other planting areas already seasonally updated on the property. With the Redwood Tree as a focal point and Roses, Daphnes, Iris, Azaleas, Fuchsias, Hydrangeas and Camilias highlighting the planting beds the addition of color, including around the driveway and side entrance, transformed the entire space. Painting With Flowers Is Adding Beauty to Benefit Homeowners & Neighbors! Kim Beber
Not Just a Side Yard
Not Just a Side Yard
Wildflower Landscape Design at K&D LandscapingWildflower Landscape Design at K&D Landscaping
Foto di un piccolo giardino design esposto a mezz'ombra nel cortile laterale
Mount Pleasant Garden
Mount Pleasant Garden
Immagine di un piccolo giardino design esposto in pieno sole nel cortile laterale in autunno con pavimentazioni in pietra naturale
A Cotswold garden in Stow on the Wold
A Cotswold garden in Stow on the Wold
Joanne Alderson DesignJoanne Alderson Design
A classic Cotswold garden of rooms in Stow on the Wold. Topiary & swags of climbers define each space with stone & gravel paths lead from space to space
Walkway of Color
Walkway of Color
Ecoscape Environmental DesignEcoscape Environmental Design
Locally sourced redstone pavers was the perfect choice for the entryway to this craftsman-style bungalow. The lush carpets of ground cover, like wooley thyme, ice plants, and soapwort, along with perennials like columbine, day lilies, beebalm, and penstemons make for a progression of color from spring to fall. So much to see here!
Drought Tolerant Lush Landscape
Drought Tolerant Lush Landscape
Treehouse Landscape DesignTreehouse Landscape Design
Design by Taryn Tree
Idee per un giardino classico esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e davanti casa con sassi di fiume
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