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Esempio di una camera matrimoniale chic di medie dimensioni con pareti beige, parquet scuro e pavimento marrone
Irons Brothers Construction Inc
Irons Brothers Construction Inc
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle14 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

A Universally-Designed Age-in-Place Master Suite Addition

Our homeowners, a retired occupational therapist and her husband a UW horticulturalist, were planning to age in place (AIP) and engaged our design + build team to help them create the master suite they’d envisioned. This project was done with a team of Certified Aging in Place Specialists (CAPS) and Certified Living in Place Professionals (CLIPP). Many universal standards were implemented into the project with the help of this highly educated team, including the lead carpenter/project manager, project developer, and designer.
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