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Esempio della villa bianca classica a tre piani
AIBD - American Institute of Building Design
AIBD - American Institute of Building Design
Valutazione media: 3.7 di 5 stelle3 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

2017 - Grand ARDA - Custom Homes - Visbeen Architects, Inc. 2

This large estate house was carefully crafted to compliment the rolling hillsides of the Midwest. Horizontal board & batten facades are sheltered by long runs of hipped roofs and are divided down the middle by the homes singular gabled wall. At the foyer, this gable takes the form of a classic three-part archway. Subtle earth-toned wall colors, white trim, and natural wood floors serve as a perfect canvas to showcase patterned upholstery, black hardware, and colorful paintings. A Grand ARDA for Custom Home Design goes to Visbeen Architects, Inc. Designers: Visbeen Architects, Inc. with Laura Davidson From: East Grand Rapids, Michigan
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