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Ocea Bathroom TV

6 anni fa

Hi guys!

I have been looking for a 4K bathroom TV and I came across the Ocea bathroom TV by Evervue, it is a lot cheaper than the competition and has a simpler design compared to the other TV's which I really like. My questions are; does any of you own an Ocea? if so would you recommend it?

Thank you!


Commenti (7)

  • 6 anni fa

    I ordered one and it will be delivered monday!

  • 6 anni fa

    A 4k tv for your bathroom???? Seems overkill to me but to each their own. You plan on taking long baths or something?

  • 6 anni fa

    I wonder if this OP is spam.

  • 5 anni fa

    The duration of my baths are around 1-2 hours. I mainly watch sports.

  • 5 anni fa

    During weekdays i only spend 15-30 mins on the shower but whenever i want to relax and unwind, i usually spend 1-2 hrs in my bathtub watching series and drinking wine.

  • 5 anni fa

    Yeah, it's spam.


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