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I need a new cabinet for my hubby's fish tank.....

6 anni fa

The current fish tank cabinet I have is pressed wood and is falling apart. I want to purchase a better piece that I can put the tank on . I must have a cabinet that I can hide the fish food, nets, etc.

My question is what wood should I look at. My floors are light grey, my TV cabinet (which will have to stay for a while) is dark wood. I do not want white wood. I was thinking of a dark grey or black. I am including pictures to help with any suggestions

Commenti (5)

  • 6 anni fa
    Taking color from your rug, and thinking you will eventually get the aquarium into its own more suitable space, how about a corner cabinet for now. Wayfair.com, under $300
  • 6 anni fa

    Have you shopped second hand yet? Take the tank measurements with you and you may be surprised at what you find. Paint can take it any direction you like.

  • PRO
    6 anni fa

    Good morning Marlene! Fish Gallery offers a full line of aquarium cabinets and we can definitely put something together that will fit both your décor and your budget! We offer a huge variety of materials and finishes. It looks your aquarium is a 46 gallon bow front and we have done many in that size. Here are just a couple of pictures of bow front cabinets. Let me know how to contact you and I can give you more details. Also, you can reach me at pendtricht@thefishgallery.com or call me at (214) 750-7002. Just ask for Paul!

    This first picture is a contemporary style cabinet that is done in a gray stain on rift cut white oak. I'm showing this picture so you can see what our gray stain option would look like. We have several other shades of gray stain available as well.

    Bow Front Glass aquarium in Contemporary Wall Unit · Maggiori informazioni

    Here a simple, clean option and there are plenty of options for finish, including the gray above or a simple black.

    This one is exactly like the one above but with flat panel doors.

    This one has a bit more detail. Again, all of these styles are available in any color or material.

    Marlene Crep ha ringraziato The Fish Gallery
  • 6 anni fa
    I would definitely buy an actual aquarium cabinet. Full, large aquariums are incredibly heavy, so I would not trust just any old cabinet to hold up that weight long term.
  • 6 anni fa

    Wow....love the Fish Gallery. I will be contacting them

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