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What color granite counter top for this kitchen?

9 anni fa
What granite counter top would you recommend for this small kitchen? The floor tiles were installed 3 years ago, and we're not looking to replace the cabinets. We're only replacing the counter tops (and maybe the hardware on the cabinets). I just want to make sure we choose granite that complements the current setup.

Please link to an example/place to buy, if possible. Thanks so much in advance!!!

Commenti (2)

  • PRO
    9 anni fa
    Are you replacing the backsplash as well? I share a showroom with Reflections in Stone who can help you with selecting a new countertop (and offers tile for backslashes as well). They have a wide variety of materials to see in the showroom and also will guide you on where to see additional varieties through their suppliers. www.refelctionsinstonedenver.com or stop by 6101 East Evans, Denver 80222.
    lynn85 ha ringraziato cdk Kitchens & Baths, Inc.
  • 9 anni fa
    It would be nice to breaks up the onslaught of pale tones with some color and/or action. I'd look at, say, Gris Perla granite (goes by several names, available at Lowes and others). Granites vary so much, you'll have to see what's available locally. Anyway, something that's primarily white and grey (or even mostly grey), with some flecks and movement...

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    lynn85 ha ringraziato acm

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