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Do you believe that some houses have "bad energy?"

Emily H
10 anni fa
Do you believe that there is just something about some houses that give them a bad vibe or energy? Have you picked up on that in different homes, or lived in a house where you felt that? Tell us!

Share your experience! (Photos encouraged)


Commenti (451)

  • Darzy
    7 anni fa

    Oh gosh...I have to chime in. Sometimes there isn't an explanation for everything. There are many things that can't be explained.

  • januarisun
    7 anni fa

    LMAO!!!! This is the funniest thread I've read in a while.

    BTW, Eliana, I was agreeing with you, but you're so convinced everyone is against you that you misinterpreted my post. Right on!

  • PRO
    7 anni fa

    We bought a house that was being flipped. The 1st night sleeping there I woke up at approx 3AM swinging because I thought someone was standing above our bed. This happened 3 nights in a row and I just couldn't sleep, I figured it was just a new house and I had a lot on my mind. During the 1st week my son (5) kept yelling for us at night. About the 3rd time I realized it was also at approx 3:15.AM. On about the 5th night my daughter (8) woke up saying she had a bad dream that their was a dead old lady in the back of my car?? This was all in a week. The house made so much noise at night but I just chalked that up to being empty and all the new sheetrock.

    Then the gardener explained that he found the past owner dead in the house. She was an older lady who had a heart attack. They never presented this info which of course is illegal. Anyway, the neighbors then explained they all knew and just thought we did also.

    I will tell you I never believed in any ghost stuff but this house is ALIVE at about 3AM.

    We have those automatic air freshness and they go off overtime I go into either bathroom. I mean every single time I walk in the room only at night. Then there is a chain reaction of bangs, creaks and the air fresheners going off. If the heat or a/c is on they will also go off. It lasts about an hour and then goes away. Bad vibe fits this house to a "T". When the above is happening you feel like something is in the room with you. The bangs will start on one end and then right behind our headboard. It can get very creepy.

    We have had house blessed but with zero help. Honestly, at this point it hasn't tried to kill us and I just got used to it but it can freak you out at times.

  • pdk920
    7 anni fa

    When I worked at the local museum, housed in a building now 160 years old, people would ask if anyone "ever died in this house." I told them that most people, if they were lucky, died at home until quite recently so doubtless quite a few folks probably died in it. I worked there for 28 years, sometimes by myself at night, and never had the slightest feeling of anything strange.

    I helped my parents build their retirement home in about 1962. My dad died there two decades later. My mom died there in 2010 and my older brother three years ago. All died of natural causes. Someday I'll probably live in that house and likely die there too. Much prefer that to a hospital or nursing home. Natural death isn't something to fear.

    Doubtless some houses have problems but I believe cheap construction, poor materials or critters are more likely causes than "someone died there."

  • januarisun
    7 anni fa

    Wannabath, ever try talking to it/her? I moved back into my father's house a year after he passed away in it. I didn't put all the strange coincidences together until my brother commented about things falling, or breaking, and how odd it was.

  • janbhan
    7 anni fa

    This thread is fascinating. If I ever want to write a ghost story there is plenty of material here, maybe it would inspire Stephen King to write yet another creepy take.

    I think many events may leave a psychic mark on a house, or part of it. But mostly they will be positive, as in the case of the house my parents lived in for almost 40 years. The original house was over 1,000 years old, and the newest part was around 200 years old. Many people must have died there, I cling my grandmother, yet it had a happy feel. One of the previous owners committed suicide in the barn near the house which was later converted to a lovely home by the people we sold it to. I never heard them say anything negative about it!

    But by contrast, an old and lovely bungalow we lived in in India had a creepy feel to it. We later learned it had a tragic history; it was not a nice place to be alone in at any time. After we moved the new tenants wife had a nervous breakdown, later it was sold to a builder and the bungalow was demolished. A new four storey building came up. But no one has ever stayed there for more than a year, and to this day, it has stood empty for the most part. The shape of the plot is narrow at the front and wide at the back, and I am told this might have something to do with it.

    I just find it odd, because while the original history was tragic, it didn't seem to justify the bad feeling or the terrible reputation it got for killing its occupants. Many people have done purification ceremonies, ourselves included. We always had a ceremony when we moved in, as requested by my mother in law, and I did one when we moved out after my husband died. It didn't seem to help.

    I guess some places just don't like people.

  • Darzy
    7 anni fa
    Ultima modifica: 7 anni fa

    There are things that cannot be explained. Long story short, I nearly drowned at 23 yrs old. I "gave up" and thought yippee "the good die young" and drowning is not such a bad way to die. (I was under a water cave and no exit up) so I deliberately took water into my lungs to drown. In my ear I "heard" it's not your time. I woke up down stream on the side of the bank coughing.

  • happyleg
    7 anni fa

    Thanks Darzy for sharing. Aren't u glad u r alive!

  • Darzy
    7 anni fa

    Yes! I wonder why I was "saved" since I won't be getting a Nobel Peace Prize or anything like that! lol

  • User
    7 anni fa

    My daughter was saved in a miracle and I have seen ghosts.

  • auntthelma
    7 anni fa

    Trib, details!

  • Kathie
    7 anni fa

    Talking about numbers-maybe just a coincidence- but that house on Osbourne Island - the house number was 66

  • ladma
    7 anni fa
    Numinous - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Wikipedia › wiki › Numinous
    Numinous is an English adjective, derived in the 17th century from the Latin numen, that is (especially in ancient Roman religion) a "deity or spirit presiding over a thing or space". Meaning "denoting or relating to a numen", it describes the power or presence or realisation of a divinity.

    Smudging with sage is supposed to clear old energy, and make way for the new.
  • User
    7 anni fa

    Auntthelma have you heard of Port Arthur, Tasmania, Australia?

  • janbhan
    7 anni fa

    I thought I would tell you the story of the haunted bungalow.

    We found it a bit creepy when we moved in, in spite of new paint and some spit and polish. Especially the bedroom we designated as the guest room. However, we settled in, and were quite happy there for about six months. Then my husband was sent abroad for a seminar. I found staying alone rather uncomfortable, as if somebody was watching me, but tried to ignore it. About a week after my husband left for his seminar I got a phone call that my father in law was very ill and in hospital. I flew to Delhi. My father in law recovered enough to come home, but it was obvious that he was still unwell. It was equally obvious that my mother in law was incapable of looking after either of them, so as soon as I could I took them back to Pune with me.

    Again my father in law fell ill with a urinary infection, but refused to go to hospital. It almost killed him, but he pulled through. He slowly recovered, even as my mother in law deteriorated into Alzheimers. Here's the ghostly bit. One night, he called to me that there were a lot of women in his room. He was still delirious at the time, so I thought little of it, but he insisted that they were there, all Muslim ladies in traditional Bori dress. Maybe they heard you were ill, I said. Well they can go now, he said, so I went around the room asking our invisible visitors to leave. There! I said. There's one lady with two children on that corner, he said. I ushered them out and shut the door. By now my hair was almost on end! Would you like a cup of tea? I asked him. Yes, he said, and you can make one for Bansi as well. And tell him to stop sitting on my bed. Bansi, his cousin, had been dead for ten years. Trembling, I went and made three cups of tea. By now my husband had woken up, and Bansi seemed to have left. We all had tea, I firmly put out the lights and we went back to bed. What was all that? asked my husband. Your father was seeing ghosts, I said.

    I didn't know how prophetic that statement was. We didn't know the history of the bungalow at that point, but several months later our landlady paid us a visit. I asked her about the house. It had been built by an English Colonel just after the first World War. Later he sold it to a Muslim gentleman with a large family. One of the girls fell in love but was forbidden to marry her lover, so she committed suicide. The family moved out, and rented the house to a succession of tenants. I didn't mention the ghostly visitors, but it did explain my father in law's hallucinations. When I talked to my neighbour he confirmed the story, and added that none of the tenants had stayed more than three years, and several had died rather suddenly. The last tenants wife had gone funny in the head, he said.

    When I tell you that two years later my father in law died, followed by my husband six months later, you can imagine that all these stories came back to me. (Our neighbour had also passed away). I took my mother in law to her younger son's home, and moved to a brand new flat that I devoutly hoped was not haunted. The new tenant lasted a year before hastily moving out after his wife became convinced the house was trying to kill her.

    Like I said earlier, some houses don't like people. The house was never occupied again.

  • happyleg
    7 anni fa

    No not me Trib.

  • User
    7 anni fa

    Australia was set up by the British in the late 1700s as a place to put unwanted convicts. Sydney and Port Arthur are the best known places. Port Arthur penal colony in Tasmania is now a tourist complex. I was walking with a friend down the main road between the buildings, and I saw a lot of ghostly figures walking along in both directions. They were barely there. We were waiting at twilight for the ghost tour. After that I was very jumpy on the tour!

    It was in later year that the Port Arthur massacre occurred at Port Arthur. A man opened fire and killed and wounded tourists. He was mentally ill. After that there was a no questions asked gun buyback in Aus., by the government.

    Anyway, I wasn't surprised to hear something bad had happened. I think something worked on that man's thinking. He was a local and a frequenter of the place.

  • User
    7 anni fa

    I worked in a number of old houses that had been converted to nursing homes. In one, built in the 1930s, a beautiful old mansion, I saw a transparent figure in the disused and empty basement swimming pool room. I was alone. I didn't go down there again.

    In a house we bought from family, in the early 1990s, I fleetingly saw a ghostly figure in a big mirror in the hallway. I was home alone. The previous owner had recently died. Those mirrors were not in vogue then, gold frame, I replaced it with a piece of photo art. She was a gardener and so was I, I always felt she approved of me and wasn't scared. I looked after her plants and added more. We repaired the house. There was an old clock hard wired into the kitchen wall. It stopped when she died, for approximately a year. We never removed it, and sold it with the house years later.

  • januarisun
    7 anni fa

    Of wow... JanBhan. My hairs were standing on end just reading about it. Did your husband get sick too?

  • User
    7 anni fa

    My daughter had a couple of miracles, but the one I remember goes like this.

    My hubby was working in an Italian restaurant. We were waiting for him, had been to visit his family before the shift. I had done a supermarket shop with the kids, and we went back to the van . I was putting the groceries in the van, my older child had got in already, my tiny daughter was sitting in the front of the shopping trolley facing me.

    Suddenly, the trolley took off down the slope, it was evening meal time and very few cars in the carpark. It was a very long distance to a wall at the end. I started to run, but couldn't catch it. Here we have trolley bays in car parks, one was far off to the side. I watched as the trolley turned right, against the slope, then left, and parked itself gently in the trolley bay. Or something parked it. My son saw the whole thing too , we both instantly knew it was a miracle.

  • Mechelle Carter
    7 anni fa
    Energy MOJO I try not to buy housed that have been foreclosed on, or ugly divorce. I feel like if I buy it I am capitalizing on their misfortune which to me brings bad juju. Nor superstitious but by accepting their misfortune..I have accepted my own...
  • janbhan
    7 anni fa
    Ultima modifica: 7 anni fa

    Solraven, my husband died in that house six months after his father died. We lived on the upper floor,; our neighbour, who lived on the ground floor, had died a year earlier. His widow insisted that I should NOT remain alone in that house after my mother in law left, so every evening she collected me and took me home. I used to go there during the day to pack, and our driver would load up our little car with boxes of books and crockery and take them to our new flat, which was almost ready. I actually moved in with my carpenters, who had come from Mumbai! We had no problems at all.

    I truly believe that house was evil, not just because our lives unraveled while we stayed there, but because it seemed that everyone who stayed there had had problems.

    There are some places that seem to be inherently unfriendly to intruders. Whether because something happened there or for some other reason, we may never know.

    There are parts of the English Lake District where the locals believe a house or a field is 'marked'. You find fields with names such as Stonyfield where you cannot plough, and they are given over to sheep grazing. Sourfield was another, and Banebank. As long as you do not disturb that area everything is fine.

    It is like the siting of churches. Often you find that a church has been built over a shrine from an earlier religion. There are magnetic lines that converge in such areas, known as ley lines, and invariably you will find it is a sacred spot. I don't know if those places pick themselves or if somebody with knowledge looks for them, but all old churches seem to be built at the convergence of ley lines. I think it is often better to respect local lore than to ignore it. Of course estate agents will conceal such stories, so before buying or renting a place it's a good idea to ask the locals about its history. Not everyone will tell you, mind!

  • januarisun
    7 anni fa

    JanBahn, I'm a huge believer in energy. I may not know the cause, or understand it, but when I get a feeling in my gut, I listen. I've never heard of ley lines, but it would probably explain a lot of uneasy energy.

  • ojsquared
    7 anni fa
    My late mother used to classify houses as either sincere or insincere. I think she meant it was either a place to feel the love or a place just to get out of the rain.
  • isabellayessi yessi
    7 anni fa
    Ultima modifica: 7 anni fa

    As a kid i grew up in pretty Haunted houses it became the new normal and figured as gotten older it will go away and i lived in a none haunted apt and nothing out of the normal. I RENTED a house and strangers things started to happen to the point now that theres strange marks on my wall i am not gokng crazy and everyone sees it all over my kitchen Wall on one side and appeared today October 24,2016 at 1pm noticed after mopping up the kitchen and something told me to look at the wall and behold this was all over even behind my fridge, I had a house cleansing by a spiritual woman and a priest too and I can't understand what this signs mean. I can't move out because is hard work after living here 3 year's and my kids love there school .please if anyone knows what these signs are or anything to help me about it.

  • happyleg
    7 anni fa

    Wow what talent! Google it.

  • auntthelma
    7 anni fa

    Isabel, to me it looks like old wallpaper bleeding through paint, but maybe I can't see the image well enough.

    I can't help wondering, if you have always lived in haunted houses, can it be that you are very psychic and just see more than other people? Or perhaps attract spirits that can't quite cross over?

  • auntthelma
    7 anni fa

    Have you found anything?

  • Cheryl Stoyle
    7 anni fa
    Yes and because of that I always have any house I move into blessed. It's a nice thing and a good excuse for a small gathering in the home.
  • Frankie
    7 anni fa

    Maybe not bad energy but some have really bad wiring. See my address for proof. :-)

  • Paul Wells
    7 anni fa

  • Frankie
    7 anni fa

    Paul you need a finishing carpenter.

  • kristinanadreau
    7 anni fa

    yes, some houses have negative energy. I do not know the source.

  • kristinanadreau
    7 anni fa

    Issabella yessi old wallpaper has faded through the paint because who ever painted it, did not prime it properly. this is not related to any sort of negative energy.

  • sarahcars321
    7 anni fa

    This this is true. I recently rented out my home to move closer to work, and the home I moved into 10 months ago today, has left myself, my fiancé and our married roommates feeling tired, getting sick often, feeling anxious and depressed some days. It is very hard to explain because I never felt this in my previous home but it feels so heavy here. When we did move in to this home, it was filthy. A beautiful home, but filthy. We cleaned for a good week and made it our own. However, those feelings I described above have stayed with us and worsened over time. I've started saging the house and leave the windows open when I can but sometimes I just can't wait until our lease ends because I've started to hate the house.

  • baralroshni22
    6 anni fa

    Yes. I believe in bad energy.

    We moved to a new house about 3 years ago and in the Griha Pravesh (it's an Indian way to worship gods and ask to bless the new house it's done just after entering the house) a lady suffered fits she started to behave like some other woman, like someone possessed her. It was very creepy. After 2 months my brother suddenly suffered from dengue's 3rd stage, his condition got so bad he couldn't talk and walk. After a few months my mother suffered from dengue too. After a year lots of relationship and financial problems started to arise. Problems that never have risen before. Everything got bad. We asked people about what was the history of this house they said, every family that has lived in this house had divorced or got separated, after listening this, we decided to shift. We currently are in the same house but we're planning to move.

  • bluehairedwitch
    6 anni fa
    Ultima modifica: 6 anni fa

    Ten years ago, I worked for a fashion company located in an older commercial building on Astoria Blvd. in Queens, NY. We all knew the building was haunted; anyone working late when the place was quiet experienced some kind of eerie occurrence. The most common was to hear footsteps pacing back and forth on the top floor when working in the studio space below it. I have heard them myself - as part of the studio ceiling was actually rooftop, the first time it happened I thought someone was walking around on the roof section (even though it was 3 stories up and there was no way to scale the building). But when it happened every time we had a late night .... well, it was creepy but harmless. A colleague had the worst experience - she was leaving one night and she insists she heard dogs growling just outside the stairwell she was descending. She also never worked alone late ever again! The building was old, but not that old - perhaps dating back to the early 1900's. What could have happened to haunt this building like that? Maybe the history goes back to a time before it was built? No one knew.

    A few years ago the property was sold to a hotel chain. They tore down the building and built a hotel servicing the nearby LaGuardia airport. I have often wondered whether the spirits went away when the old building was razed, or whether they are still around, haunting the travelers staying at the hotel. I've driven by a couple of times and have actually thought to stop and ask the hotel staff, but then they probably would think I was nuts and call the cops! ;-)

  • D C
    6 anni fa
    Ultima modifica: 6 anni fa

    Someone commented above (years ago) about people bringing the negativity with them and I totally believe that.

    I moved from a house I loved because of 4.5 years of a very stressfu neighbor situation. I never felt any weird vibes in any of the houses my husband and I looked at. Certainly not in the newly constructed house we finally purchased. But soon after we moved in the basement flooded and I started having wieird feelings. But not always. And never outside. They culiminated into what I thought was some sort of negative entity. Fast forward 3 years later and a ton of research and looking back I realize that I brought a lot of stress and negative energy with me from the former situation, because even in the old house where I only ever felt happy and safe for the first 10 years, after dealing with the bad neighbors I started feeling bad vibes there.

    Once I realized that and started to love my new house things felt normal again. People have more of an impact on their surroundings than they think. And the more negative we are the more of a negative effect we create. So many people immediately jump to a" my house is haunted" explanation when there is usually a rational explanation albiet one that most people don't understand. Paranormal simply means that it is outside of the normal experience, not that it's a ghost. Anyway, define "normal"?

    I believe that everything is energy and "energy" flows can bring certain vibes. Whether that energy is created by us or by out of date electrics. What matters is that we "feel" it and we realize it is in each of us to correct it.

  • pdk920
    6 anni fa

    D C, that's a sensible way to look at the situation. We all know people who are negative and just seem surrounded by sadness and bad luck. Maybe we're blaming their surroundings instead of the actual source-- and I don't mean to imply that their distress isn't real or that they're necessarily to blame for it.

  • Cheryl Smith
    6 anni fa

    true for sure, but mostly because of poor space planning, room size and location along with door placement and hallways. it may never feel good without moving walls and major renovations. sometimes I wonder if people that design houses ever lived in one. windows and natural lighting help. we just bought a house that has a great floor plan with lots of natural light but when we looked at it the previous owners kept all the blinds closed. first thing we did was open the blinds and let the light in and add color to the all white or pinky beige walls. I truly believe in the concept of Feng Shui, that furniture placement gives a room a good feel or bad.

  • janbhan
    6 anni fa

    I just looked at this after a long time! I think there is a book there. Or at least a couple of creepy short stories. Nice to be back; I have just got a new computer after my very old one crashed. All wireless, what bliss! almost no wires! No longer stuck with the tablet, love it but too tiny.

  • Min Mc Killopp
    6 anni fa
    I wrote on this piece in 2014.
    I had a beautiful home with lots of light. I won prices to decor.
    Over time I started to feel a presence and one or 2 people staying overheard footsteps during the night.
    I would see something move from the corner of my eye near one bedroom upstairs.
    Finally a local historian told me that a fellow cutting branches in the tree at the front of the house had fallen out and died.
    In 2017 I was attacked and assaulted in my home by a neighbour.
    Many people sensitive to bad energy have visited and quickly identify the kitchen floor as having something happen there.
    It has taken a year and a half to
    Sell the home at $1000,00.00 loss.
    I believe if there is bad energy there or anywhere a pardon sensitive to it will feel it on their gut.
    Yes I believe ther is bad energy in houses but this one started out well. Something got in and stayed.
  • John Brown
    6 anni fa

    There are places which give bad vibes and I have experience that vibe during my exam time when I went to another college for giving my board exam that time I was not feeling good and I used to forget my answers which were supposed to be written in the exam.

  • PRO
    Lori Dennis, ASID, LEED AP
    6 anni fa

    yes. 100%

  • Utente-876532580
    3 anni fa
    Ultima modifica: 3 anni fa

    I have lived in my current house for going on 8 years. When I first moved in, it was very weird - static voices at night (no electronics on), a child talking/crying, shadows everywhere and a very heavy depressed energy. We were in a rush to buy but never saw any signs of weirdness while looking.

    Since then, we have all fallen into fits of despair and depressions, lots of fights, conflicts, accidents, etc. We are on a cul de sac (bad feng shui but good for resale), bottom of the hill, overlooked by neighbors (all energy falls into our valley and stagnates), and white walls everywhere (very metallic grey, cold).

    But I’ve planted trees, in the back to help with flooding and the neighbors, and roses in the front. I’m painting everything warm browns and plan on putting in warm wood floors. It’s driving us all crazy not being able to move ASAP, but past owners have never stayed longer than 10 years.

    Fingers crossed I’ll be able to help some of these feng shui energy problems, but probably not.

  • janbhan
    3 anni fa

    I have lived in many houses that had a presence, but save one, they were friendly.

    There is a 'purifying ritual that is sometimes used after a death or serious illness.

    You need salt, some bunches of holy basil, and some lights, either oil lamp or tea lights.

    You sprinkle the salt round the edges of the rooms. Don't forget passages!

    In each corner make a little heap of salt and set a candle or oil lamp in it.

    Mix a little salt in a mug of water.

    Dip the holy basil in it and sprinkle throughout the house,

    You may say any prayers you wish as you do so.

    Light the candles. Let them burn until they go out of their own accord.

    Once they have gone out you may leave the house. Never leave candles or oil lamps burning unattended.

    The next day collect the candles, and put the heaps of salt into a bucket of water.

    Sweep the floors and wash them with the salt water. if they are carpeted you can just sprinkle some. The house is now purified.

    These instructions were given to me by our family priest, a Hindu of great wisdom and practical thinking. I think they do mitigate unpleasant feelings to some extent. But there are some places that carry such evil, no house should ever be built there. I have no idea what happened in our old house. But it must have been something truly dreadful, worthy of Stephen King.

    Most people do a puja before they move into a house. its a nice way of welcoming your home as you enter it.

  • Elizabeth Shinault
    l'anno scorso

    Everytime anyone goes in the basement its a finished basment if just feels off to everyone especially when they get closed to the closet. i dont know why it just gives everyone a bad vibe ive asked my brother ive asked my boyfriend and ive asked me even we all get bad vibes down therei use to sleep down there and i would see diffrent things down there my house was built in 1995 so i guess its not that old. but my boyfriend keeps saying something demonic happened down there a murder happened down there i dont know just something bad something unsual happened down there and what happened you would see that every day. he keeps telling me the the closet goes all yhe way to the starwell it goes under the stairwell so you can walk in ghere i dont like going in there to get stuff i have to have someone with me i dont know why it makes me feal a bit safer but the room aboce it like my grandpas room and my parents bedroom also give me a bad vibe. what could this be can someone explain.

  • happyleg
    l'anno scorso

    Do a spirtual cleansing blessing with a priest. Did u ever Goggled the address Elizabeth?

  • lesliejwhite
    l'anno scorso

    When we were shopping for a house, there was this house that was beautiful and had everything we wanted. But every time I walked out of the master bedroom into the hallway, a sadness came over me. I felt something unexplainably sad. It happened on 3 different visits. And the strange thing was that I mentioned it to my sister and husband and they said they felt the same thing in the same part of the house. Something bad might have happened in the part of the hallway.

  • auntthelma
    l'anno scorso
    Ultima modifica: l'anno scorso

    Shopping for houses. we saw several with no issues. walked into one and were only there a few minutes when my husband blurted out, ”I cant live here!” Then he rushed out of the house and that was the end of the tour.

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