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Patii e Portici con scale e graniglia di granito - Foto e idee

Penicuik Cala
Penicuik Cala
Gardens & ProjectsGardens & Projects
A challenging project due to the triangular shape of the existing space. From a white canvas to this result, takes time and passion. It's a whole creative process, and with the help of inspiration and tridimensional skills, we combined form and function so that the owners will enjoy their outdoor space, the garden, at its full potential.
リビングから庭へ出る開口部はフォールディングドアでフルオープンに。外部との一体感が生まれます。 photo : Shigeo Ogawa
Esempio di un patio o portico minimalista di medie dimensioni e davanti casa con scale, graniglia di granito e un tetto a sbalzo
Penicuik Cala
Penicuik Cala
Gardens & ProjectsGardens & Projects
A challenging project due to the triangular shape of the existing space. From a white canvas to this result, takes time and passion. It's a whole creative process, and with the help of inspiration and tridimensional skills, we combined form and function so that the owners will enjoy their outdoor space, the garden, at its full potential.
Penicuik Cala
Penicuik Cala
Gardens & ProjectsGardens & Projects
A challenging project due to the triangular shape of the existing space. From a white canvas to this result, takes time and passion. It's a whole creative process, and with the help of inspiration and tridimensional skills, we combined form and function so that the owners will enjoy their outdoor space, the garden, at its full potential.
Penicuik Cala
Penicuik Cala
Gardens & ProjectsGardens & Projects
A challenging project due to the triangular shape of the existing space. From a white canvas to this result, takes time and passion. It's a whole creative process, and with the help of inspiration and tridimensional skills, we combined form and function so that the owners will enjoy their outdoor space, the garden, at its full potential.
Penicuik Cala
Penicuik Cala
Gardens & ProjectsGardens & Projects
A challenging project due to the triangular shape of the existing space. From a white canvas to this result, takes time and passion. It's a whole creative process, and with the help of inspiration and tridimensional skills, we combined form and function so that the owners will enjoy their outdoor space, the garden, at its full potential.
メインの庭と中庭をつなぐ軒下空間もまた魅力的な外部リビングの様に使われます。 photo:Shigeo Ogawa
Esempio di un grande patio o portico in cortile con scale, graniglia di granito e un tetto a sbalzo
Penicuik Cala
Penicuik Cala
Gardens & ProjectsGardens & Projects
A challenging project due to the triangular shape of the existing space. From a white canvas to this result, takes time and passion. It's a whole creative process, and with the help of inspiration and tridimensional skills, we combined form and function so that the owners will enjoy their outdoor space, the garden, at its full potential.

Patii e Portici con scale e graniglia di granito - Foto e idee

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