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Bordi Prato con graniglia di granito - Foto e idee

El Pomar Residence
El Pomar Residence
Andrew Goodwin DesignsAndrew Goodwin Designs
Foto di un grande giardino moderno nel cortile laterale con graniglia di granito
Riverstone #8
Riverstone #8
Twisted Rock Terrascape & Design, Inc.Twisted Rock Terrascape & Design, Inc.
Our client wanted a cost effective and low maintenance yard that was still functional and beautiful! No problem!! With easy to mow sod areas separated from bedding by concrete edge the maintenance is very easy. Aggregate side yards are maintenance free and a smart programmable wifi irrigation system that works from your phone makes watering a breeze. Enjoy!!
Landscape design and Exterior update in the historic quarter of Montreal, Canada
Landscape design and Exterior update in the historic quarter of Montreal, Canada
Pavlo Leontiev, landscape designerPavlo Leontiev, landscape designer
Remodeling of a building exterior and landscape design in the historic quarter of Montreal, Canada. Simple and modern landscaping makes it easy to care for the garden. A concrete walkway leads to the door from the kitchen. On the main patio is a set of outdoor garden furniture.
Ka design Inc.Ka design Inc.
Foto di un grande giardino moderno esposto in pieno sole in cortile con graniglia di granito e recinzione in metallo
Riverstone #8
Riverstone #8
Twisted Rock Terrascape & Design, Inc.Twisted Rock Terrascape & Design, Inc.
Our client wanted a cost effective and low maintenance yard that was still functional and beautiful! No problem!! With easy to mow sod areas separated from bedding by concrete edge the maintenance is very easy. Aggregate side yards are maintenance free and a smart programmable wifi irrigation system that works from your phone makes watering a breeze. Enjoy!!
Coopers #7
Coopers #7
Twisted Rock Terrascape & Design, Inc.Twisted Rock Terrascape & Design, Inc.
Our client contacted us wanting to create a relatively maintenance free yard that focuses on relaxing family time spent in the sun as opposed to yard work. We designed and built the project utilizing synthetic grass, aggregate bedding and wonderful paving stone patio with a large cedar privacy pergola as the main focal point. Lighting & concrete edging along with step stones finished off this stunning project!!
Riverstone #8
Riverstone #8
Twisted Rock Terrascape & Design, Inc.Twisted Rock Terrascape & Design, Inc.
Our client wanted a cost effective and low maintenance yard that was still functional and beautiful! No problem!! With easy to mow sod areas separated from bedding by concrete edge the maintenance is very easy. Aggregate side yards are maintenance free and a smart programmable wifi irrigation system that works from your phone makes watering a breeze. Enjoy!!
Riverstone #8
Riverstone #8
Twisted Rock Terrascape & Design, Inc.Twisted Rock Terrascape & Design, Inc.
Our client wanted a cost effective and low maintenance yard that was still functional and beautiful! No problem!! With easy to mow sod areas separated from bedding by concrete edge the maintenance is very easy. Aggregate side yards are maintenance free and a smart programmable wifi irrigation system that works from your phone makes watering a breeze. Enjoy!!
Riverstone #8
Riverstone #8
Twisted Rock Terrascape & Design, Inc.Twisted Rock Terrascape & Design, Inc.
Our client wanted a cost effective and low maintenance yard that was still functional and beautiful! No problem!! With easy to mow sod areas separated from bedding by concrete edge the maintenance is very easy. Aggregate side yards are maintenance free and a smart programmable wifi irrigation system that works from your phone makes watering a breeze. Enjoy!!
Riverstone #8
Riverstone #8
Twisted Rock Terrascape & Design, Inc.Twisted Rock Terrascape & Design, Inc.
Our client wanted a cost effective and low maintenance yard that was still functional and beautiful! No problem!! With easy to mow sod areas separated from bedding by concrete edge the maintenance is very easy. Aggregate side yards are maintenance free and a smart programmable wifi irrigation system that works from your phone makes watering a breeze. Enjoy!!
Ka design Inc.Ka design Inc.
Idee per un grande giardino minimalista esposto in pieno sole in cortile con graniglia di granito e recinzione in metallo
Mahogany Island #4
Mahogany Island #4
Twisted Rock Terrascape & Design, Inc.Twisted Rock Terrascape & Design, Inc.
Our client contracted us to design and build a functional and interesting water front project that had to be family friendly!! They wanted a cozy fire pit area that also contained a 3 piece natural rock bubbler. They also wanted a spa area with lounger space for sunbathing as well as a beach area for sandcastles and beach toy storage. No expense was spared with a custom pergola, natural rock retaining and steps as well as landscape lighting and well placed trees and shrubs. Concrete edge and aggregate beds make for a low maintenance dream yard!!

Bordi Prato con graniglia di granito - Foto e idee

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