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Sale da Pranzo con pavimento in bambù e cornice del camino in mattoni - Foto e idee per arredare

PBH Colip House
PBH Colip House
PBH DesignPBH Design
Idee per una grande sala da pranzo aperta verso il soggiorno minimalista con pareti bianche, pavimento in bambù, camino classico e cornice del camino in mattoni
Oregon City Living Space Remodel
Oregon City Living Space Remodel
Round shapes and walnut woodwork pull the whole space together. The sputnik shapes in the rug are mimicked in the Living Room light sconces and the artwork on the wall near the Entry Door. The Pantry Door pulls the circular and walnut together as well.
Modern, Split-Level Custom Home in Arlington, VA, with Arts & Crafts Elements.
Modern, Split-Level Custom Home in Arlington, VA, with Arts & Crafts Elements.
Ideal Construction & RemodelingIdeal Construction & Remodeling
Felicia Evans Photography
Esempio di una sala da pranzo american style di medie dimensioni e chiusa con pareti grigie, pavimento in bambù, camino classico e cornice del camino in mattoni
Snellville Addition + Renovation
Snellville Addition + Renovation
Hall Design BuildHall Design Build
This family room was renovated from where the garage used to be.
Esempio di una grande sala da pranzo bohémian con pareti grigie, pavimento in bambù, camino classico e cornice del camino in mattoni
Flotoma Drive Renovation
Flotoma Drive Renovation
MaryEllen Kowalewski ArchitectMaryEllen Kowalewski Architect
Jaime Sanders - D76 Studios
Idee per una sala da pranzo aperta verso la cucina moderna di medie dimensioni con pareti bianche, pavimento in bambù, camino classico e cornice del camino in mattoni
Westwind renovation
Westwind renovation
Immagine di una sala da pranzo con pareti beige, pavimento in bambù, camino classico e cornice del camino in mattoni
Yew St Tim Lauer
Yew St Tim Lauer
Rivers + Steel City HomesRivers + Steel City Homes
Idee per una sala da pranzo aperta verso il soggiorno minimal con pareti beige, pavimento in bambù, nessun camino, cornice del camino in mattoni e pavimento beige
Kerzenhalter LICHTWÜRFEL von Raumgestalt
Kerzenhalter LICHTWÜRFEL von Raumgestalt
Handlich, klein und originell- der Kerzenständer aus Holz von Raumgestalt ist eine wundervolle Idee: in dem aus massivem Eichenholz gefertigten Würfel sind auf vier Seiten metallene Vertiefungen angebracht, in denen je nach Wunsch eine, zwei, drei oder vier Kerzen zusammen den Raum erleuchten. Er eignet sich hervorragend als alternativer, moderner Adventskranz. Und während der restlichen Jahreszeiten passt er mit seiner zeitlosen Eleganz ästhetisch schön zu den verschiedensten Anlässen. So kann er beispielsweise an Geburtstagen, beim gemütlichen Beisammensein im Esszimmer oder auf dem Balkon- und im Gartenbereich stilvolle Akzente setzten. Mit seinem schlichten Design und seiner natürlichen Holzmaserung fügt sich harmonisch in Ihren bestehenden Einrichtungsstil ein.
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
Photo Credit: Nxst Real Estate Media
Idee per una sala da pranzo aperta verso la cucina minimal di medie dimensioni con pareti bianche, pavimento in bambù, camino classico e cornice del camino in mattoni
Jonesborough Full Home Renovation
Jonesborough Full Home Renovation
Greyscale DesignGreyscale Design
Foto di una piccola sala da pranzo aperta verso il soggiorno classica con pareti grigie, pavimento in bambù, camino ad angolo, cornice del camino in mattoni e pavimento grigio
Yew St Tim Lauer
Yew St Tim Lauer
Rivers + Steel City HomesRivers + Steel City Homes
Foto di una sala da pranzo aperta verso il soggiorno design con pareti beige, pavimento in bambù, nessun camino, cornice del camino in mattoni e pavimento beige
Snellville Addition + Renovation
Snellville Addition + Renovation
Hall Design BuildHall Design Build
This family room was renovated from where the garage used to be.
Immagine di una grande sala da pranzo boho chic con pareti grigie, pavimento in bambù, camino classico e cornice del camino in mattoni
Crosswicks, NJ: Country French Construction
Crosswicks, NJ: Country French Construction
Bella B Home DesignsBella B Home Designs
We took this new construction home and turned it into a traditional yet rustic haven. The family is about to enjoy parts of their home in unique and different ways then ever before.
Oregon City Living Space Remodel
Oregon City Living Space Remodel
Round shapes and walnut woodwork pull the whole space together. The sputnik shapes in the rug are mimicked in the Living Room light sconces and the artwork on the wall near the Entry Door.
Modern, Split-Level Custom Home in Arlington, VA, with Arts & Crafts Elements.
Modern, Split-Level Custom Home in Arlington, VA, with Arts & Crafts Elements.
Ideal Construction & RemodelingIdeal Construction & Remodeling
Felicia Evans Photography
Ispirazione per una sala da pranzo american style di medie dimensioni e chiusa con pareti grigie, pavimento in bambù, camino classico e cornice del camino in mattoni
Oregon City Living Space Remodel
Oregon City Living Space Remodel
Round shapes and walnut woodwork pull the whole space together. The sputnik shapes in the rug are mimicked in the Living Room light sconces and the artwork on the wall near the Entry Door. The Pantry Door pulls the circular and walnut together as well.
Oregon City Living Space Remodel
Oregon City Living Space Remodel
Round shapes and walnut woodwork pull the whole space together. The sputnik shapes in the rug are mimicked in the Living Room light sconces and the artwork on the wall near the Entry Door. The Pantry Door pulls the circular and walnut together as well.
Oregon City Living Space Remodel
Oregon City Living Space Remodel
Round shapes and walnut woodwork pull the whole space together. The sputnik shapes in the rug are mimicked in the Living Room light sconces and the artwork on the wall near the Entry Door. The Pantry Door pulls the circular and walnut together as well.
Yew St Tim Lauer
Yew St Tim Lauer
Rivers + Steel City HomesRivers + Steel City Homes
Esempio di una sala da pranzo aperta verso il soggiorno minimal con pareti beige, pavimento in bambù, nessun camino, cornice del camino in mattoni e pavimento beige
Snellville Addition + Renovation
Snellville Addition + Renovation
Hall Design BuildHall Design Build
This family room was renovated from where the garage used to be.
Esempio di una grande sala da pranzo eclettica con pareti grigie, pavimento in bambù, camino classico e cornice del camino in mattoni

Sale da Pranzo con pavimento in bambù e cornice del camino in mattoni - Foto e idee per arredare

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