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Sale da Pranzo con pareti arancioni e cornice del camino in mattoni - Foto e idee per arredare

Canterbury, VIC
Canterbury, VIC
A Blind Pash InteriorsA Blind Pash Interiors
Fabric selection and recovering existing piece of furniture
Foto di una sala da pranzo chic chiusa con pareti arancioni, pavimento in legno massello medio, camino classico, cornice del camino in mattoni e pavimento marrone
Farm House
Farm House
Lisa Teague Upcoast DesignLisa Teague Upcoast Design
A traditional farm house gets a face lift with bold color and furnishings. photos by John Hession
Idee per una sala da pranzo country con cornice del camino in mattoni e pareti arancioni
Museums of Old York Dining Room
Museums of Old York Dining Room
F. D. Hodge InteriorsF. D. Hodge Interiors
John Hession
Foto di una grande sala da pranzo aperta verso la cucina chic con pareti arancioni, parquet chiaro, camino classico e cornice del camino in mattoni
Oregon City Living Space Remodel
Oregon City Living Space Remodel
Round shapes and walnut woodwork pull the whole space together. The sputnik shapes in the rug are mimicked in the Living Room light sconces and the artwork on the wall near the Entry Door. The Pantry Door pulls the circular and walnut together as well.
Interior Furnishing
Interior Furnishing
Castle & Gardens DesignersCastle & Gardens Designers
C&G Photography
Immagine di una sala da pranzo aperta verso la cucina american style di medie dimensioni con pareti arancioni, pavimento in legno verniciato, camino ad angolo e cornice del camino in mattoni
Elizabeth Street, Allendale
Elizabeth Street, Allendale
Key PieceKey Piece
Foto di una sala da pranzo aperta verso il soggiorno bohémian di medie dimensioni con pareti arancioni, pavimento in legno massello medio, camino classico, cornice del camino in mattoni e soffitto a volta
Oregon City Living Space Remodel
Oregon City Living Space Remodel
Round shapes and walnut woodwork pull the whole space together. The sputnik shapes in the rug are mimicked in the Living Room light sconces and the artwork on the wall near the Entry Door.
Oregon City Living Space Remodel
Oregon City Living Space Remodel
Round shapes and walnut woodwork pull the whole space together. The sputnik shapes in the rug are mimicked in the Living Room light sconces and the artwork on the wall near the Entry Door. The Pantry Door pulls the circular and walnut together as well.
Oregon City Living Space Remodel
Oregon City Living Space Remodel
Round shapes and walnut woodwork pull the whole space together. The sputnik shapes in the rug are mimicked in the Living Room light sconces and the artwork on the wall near the Entry Door. The Pantry Door pulls the circular and walnut together as well.
Oregon City Living Space Remodel
Oregon City Living Space Remodel
Round shapes and walnut woodwork pull the whole space together. The sputnik shapes in the rug are mimicked in the Living Room light sconces and the artwork on the wall near the Entry Door. The Pantry Door pulls the circular and walnut together as well.
Interior Furnishing
Interior Furnishing
Castle & Gardens DesignersCastle & Gardens Designers
C&G Photography
Esempio di una sala da pranzo aperta verso la cucina stile americano di medie dimensioni con pareti arancioni, pavimento in legno verniciato, camino ad angolo e cornice del camino in mattoni
Museums of Old York Dining Room
Museums of Old York Dining Room
F. D. Hodge InteriorsF. D. Hodge Interiors
John Hession
Idee per una grande sala da pranzo aperta verso la cucina tradizionale con pareti arancioni, parquet chiaro, camino classico e cornice del camino in mattoni
Elizabeth Street, Allendale
Elizabeth Street, Allendale
Key PieceKey Piece
Esempio di una sala da pranzo aperta verso il soggiorno boho chic di medie dimensioni con pareti arancioni, pavimento in legno massello medio, camino classico, cornice del camino in mattoni e soffitto a volta
Oregon City Living Space Remodel
Oregon City Living Space Remodel
Round shapes and walnut woodwork pull the whole space together. The sputnik shapes in the rug are mimicked in the Living Room light sconces and the artwork on the wall near the Entry Door. The Pantry Door pulls the circular and walnut together as well.
Elizabeth Street, Allendale
Elizabeth Street, Allendale
Key PieceKey Piece
Ispirazione per una sala da pranzo aperta verso il soggiorno eclettica di medie dimensioni con pareti arancioni, pavimento in legno massello medio, camino classico, cornice del camino in mattoni e soffitto a volta
Canterbury, VIC
Canterbury, VIC
A Blind Pash InteriorsA Blind Pash Interiors
Fabric selection and recovering existing piece of furniture
Immagine di una sala da pranzo tradizionale con pareti arancioni, pavimento in legno massello medio, camino classico, cornice del camino in mattoni e pavimento marrone

Sale da Pranzo con pareti arancioni e cornice del camino in mattoni - Foto e idee per arredare

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