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... - la casa lenta slow living . esprimo la mia opinione dicendo che la casa lenta è come se fermasse il tempo .. la mente si ritrova .. l'ascolto di se stessi è più facile .. l'anima si risveglia .. d'altronde la casa .. nella propria casa è come ritrovare se stessi.

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carol beachlady

Many good ideas here. As we are going into our 2nd winter of COVID, we must do whatever we can to find inner peace. Home - reduce clutter, keep it clean, Food - try to eat fresh and local when possible, and enjoy more plant-based foods. Avoid prepared foods, as these contain so many additives. I am always calm after cutting vegetables for a salad or a soup. There are so many good ideas for warming stews and chowders now. Have plants in your home. Find joy in seeing them grow, and better yet, if you can nurture pots of herbs and salad greens. Today my amaryllis are in full bloom. Here in Zone 9, they will bloom again in my garden. As many of us need to economize now, look at what's no longer essential in our lives. The idea of a budget that is no longer stretched to the max is calming. Intellectual growth is important. Spend some time in researching some subject that's new to you.

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Lynnell Madson

My husband and I decided to take a slow day or Sabbath once a week. A year ago we moved into my parents older home on a bit more than an acre in the Pacific Northwest. The house and the property had been let go and needed quite a bit of work. So we jumped in and started working. We initially put up a fence. Fencing in a portion of the back yard. We have two standard poodles who were well trained in suburban living but not neighbors without fences. Now a year later we wish we would’ve fenced the whole property. And we found out that chain link fence cannot simply be moved, once strung it’s very difficult to reuse. This is just one of lessons we learned. We worked hard every weekend never stopping for lunch and practically killed ourselves, while still maintaining our jobs. At some point in late spring when the gorgeous weather calls out to you here in PNW, I suggested a Sabbath to may husband. One day of the weekend with no big jobs or day full of errands and minimize screen time. A day to just be. Enjoy the yard, each other, our dogs and to watch our improvements. To slow down and really take the time to plan the project and all of the elements necessary. We learned a lot watching the sun and shadows for placement of plants and veggies. We found quiet and busy spots on our property and have many great plans for a yoga deck, a hot tub pergola, an herb and veggie raised garden. It’s a lot but we’re taking it slow and letting our property, the weather and our intuition guide us.

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