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Idee per una grande cantina chic con rastrelliere portabottiglie
Wine Cellars by Coastal
Wine Cellars by Coastal
Valutazione media: 4.8 di 5 stelle28 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

The Completed Residential Wine Cellar Long Island New York

This is the finished product of this residential wine cellar. New York. LED lighting within the racks themselves adds a natural depth to the custom wine cellar, while effectively illuminating wine labels for easy reading. LED lights are also known to be energy-saver and safe for the wines. A table was placed in the center for wine tasting and hosting guests. All the racking was made from All Heart Redwood. Learn more about this project: https://www.winecellarsbycoastal.com/custom-wine-cellars-builder-new-york-ny-watermill.aspx Coastal Custom Wine Cellars New Jersey 2405 Orchard Crest Ste B Manasquan, NJ. 08736 +1 (732) 722-5466 Connect with us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoastalCustomWineCellars
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