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Immagine di un ampio soggiorno country aperto con angolo bar, pareti grigie, parquet chiaro, cornice del camino in metallo, parete attrezzata, pavimento giallo e travi a vista
Jane Ellison
Jane Ellison
Valutazione media: 4.9 di 5 stelle19 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

St. Andrews Napa CA Rebuild

This home in Napa off Silverado was rebuilt after burning down in the 2017 fires. Architect David Rulon, a former associate of Howard Backen, known for this Napa Valley industrial modern farmhouse style. Composed in mostly a neutral palette, the bones of this house are bathed in diffused natural light pouring in through the clerestory windows. Beautiful textures and the layering of pattern with a mix of materials add drama to a neutral backdrop. The homeowners are pleased with their open floor plan and fluid seating areas, which allow them to entertain large gatherings. The result is an engaging space, a personal sanctuary and a true reflection of it's owners' unique aesthetic. Inspirational features are metal fireplace surround and book cases as well as Beverage Bar shelving done by Wyatt Studio, painted inset style cabinets by Gamma, moroccan CLE tile backsplash and quartzite countertops.
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