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Soggiorni con pavimento con piastrelle in ceramica - Foto e idee per arredare

Interior Design - Soggiorno con boiserie
Interior Design - Soggiorno con boiserie
house A porterhouse A porter
Foto di un soggiorno minimal di medie dimensioni e aperto con pavimento con piastrelle in ceramica, stufa a legna, cornice del camino piastrellata, pavimento beige, soffitto ribassato e boiserie
Wilchester West Concierge Design
Wilchester West Concierge Design
Marker Girl HomeMarker Girl Home
Living Room blue chairs performance fabric, custom furniture and rugs. Modern Art. Sherwin Williams Crushed Ice.
Ispirazione per un soggiorno classico di medie dimensioni e aperto con pareti grigie, pavimento con piastrelle in ceramica e pavimento marrone
Candy Land House
Candy Land House
Alison Kandler Interior DesignAlison Kandler Interior Design
Immagine di un grande soggiorno bohémian con sala formale, pavimento con piastrelle in ceramica, camino classico, TV a parete, pavimento verde e soffitto in carta da parati
Bold Handmade Floor Tiles
Bold Handmade Floor Tiles
Fireclay TileFireclay Tile
With warm orange and white floor tile this Palm Springs Oasis, masterfully designed by Danielle Nagel, brings new life to the timeless checkerboard pattern. DESIGN Danielle Nagel PHOTOS Danielle Nagel Tile Shown: 3x12 in Koi & Milky Way
Golden Isles Residence 2
Golden Isles Residence 2
2id Interiors2id Interiors
Gorgeous Living Room By 2id Interiors
Immagine di un ampio soggiorno design aperto con pareti multicolore, TV a parete, pavimento beige, pavimento con piastrelle in ceramica e tappeto
Ashton Woods Living Rooms
Ashton Woods Living Rooms
Ashton WoodsAshton Woods
Allow our living room space to flow seamlessly into the outside balcon with sliding Nana Doors. Seen in Naples Reserve, a Naples community.
Ispirazione per un soggiorno classico di medie dimensioni e aperto con sala formale, pareti bianche, pavimento con piastrelle in ceramica e TV a parete
Casa More InteriorsCasa More Interiors
This contemporary living room combines a variety of rich textures and finishes with a soothing neutral colour palette, creating a space that is both elegant and comfortable. At its heart, a bespoke TV media unit acts as the main focal point, blending marble, textured panels, and brass metal accents for a sophisticated yet welcoming ambience. The spacious modular sofa provides generous seating, with small drink tables adding practical, easy access for guests. A cosy bar area in the corner features stylish swivel chairs and is complemented by a symmetrically positioned console table and table lamps, perfect for entertaining. Wall panelling enhances the room's depth and detail, while a dropped ceiling introduces soft, indirect lighting and neatly conceals the curtains, ensuring a seamless and polished finish.
Aménagement Mural
Aménagement Mural
Idéal AménagementIdéal Aménagement
Aménagement mural dans un salon, avec TV, livres, bibelots
Ispirazione per un grande soggiorno contemporaneo aperto con libreria, pareti bianche, pavimento con piastrelle in ceramica, pavimento grigio, nessun camino, TV autoportante, soffitto a volta e soffitto in legno
Immagine di un grande soggiorno minimalista aperto con sala formale, pareti grigie, pavimento con piastrelle in ceramica, TV autoportante, pavimento grigio, soffitto in legno e carta da parati
Cedar Cove Modern
Cedar Cove Modern
Flavin ArchitectsFlavin Architects
Cedar Cove Modern benefits from its integration into the landscape. The house is set back from Lake Webster to preserve an existing stand of broadleaf trees that filter the low western sun that sets over the lake. Its split-level design follows the gentle grade of the surrounding slope. The L-shape of the house forms a protected garden entryway in the area of the house facing away from the lake while a two-story stone wall marks the entry and continues through the width of the house, leading the eye to a rear terrace. This terrace has a spectacular view aided by the structure’s smart positioning in relationship to Lake Webster. The interior spaces are also organized to prioritize views of the lake. The living room looks out over the stone terrace at the rear of the house. The bisecting stone wall forms the fireplace in the living room and visually separates the two-story bedroom wing from the active spaces of the house. The screen porch, a staple of our modern house designs, flanks the terrace. Viewed from the lake, the house accentuates the contours of the land, while the clerestory window above the living room emits a soft glow through the canopy of preserved trees.
Santa Barbara Mesa House,  Living Room open to Patio
Santa Barbara Mesa House, Living Room open to Patio
Dennis Thompson ArchitectDennis Thompson Architect
Contractor - Allen Constriction Photographer - Jim Bartsch
Esempio di un soggiorno costiero di medie dimensioni e aperto con pareti bianche, pavimento con piastrelle in ceramica, camino lineare Ribbon, cornice del camino piastrellata, TV a parete, pavimento beige e soffitto in legno
Piccole Ranch Transformation
Piccole Ranch Transformation
Sandra Mijan, Dress Your SpaceSandra Mijan, Dress Your Space
Comfortable living room, inviting and full of personality.
Foto di un grande soggiorno design stile loft con sala della musica, pareti bianche, pavimento con piastrelle in ceramica, nessun camino, nessuna TV, pavimento grigio, soffitto a volta e pareti in mattoni
Maisdon S/ Sèvre
Maisdon S/ Sèvre
Julien Devaux Design StudioJulien Devaux Design Studio
Conception et fabrication d'un meuble TV pour une maison à la campagne à Maisdon s/ Sèvre (44). ​ Lorsque l’on choisi un téléviseur de grande taille, il est parfois difficile de trouver le meuble qui va avec. C’est pour cette raison que nos clients nous ont sollicité. Ils souhaitaient un meuble à la fois fonctionnel, élégant et intégrant la télévision à leur espace de vie. C’est donc en jouant sur les différences de profondeurs, les matières et un jeu de tasseaux courant jusqu’au plafond que nous avons réussi à créer un espace multimédia sans pour autant dénaturer la circulation de leur salon. Nous avons proposé ici un mélange de chêne, de fibracolor noir et d’un "MDF oxydé". Notre curiosité nous a amené à découvrir cette finition qui par sa très belle nuance d’oxyde appliqué par nos soins donne un grain particulier et une profondeur unique. Le téléviseur s’estompe ainsi dans la composition. ​ Prestation : Conception et fabrication Dimensions : L:300cm x H:250 x P:50cm Matériaux : Latté chêne, MDF oxydé et Fibracolor Crédits photos : Elodie Dugué
Lawley Street Yokine
Lawley Street Yokine
Absolute Home StagingAbsolute Home Staging
Gorgeous simple black and white staging.
Esempio di un soggiorno scandinavo di medie dimensioni e chiuso con pareti grigie, pavimento con piastrelle in ceramica, pavimento beige e pareti in mattoni
Hemmsfield Modern Craftsman Custom Home
Hemmsfield Modern Craftsman Custom Home
Design Appruv, Inc.Design Appruv, Inc.
A modern approach to an american classic. This 5,400 s.f. mountain escape was designed for a family leaving the busy city life for a full-time vacation. The open-concept first level is the family's gathering space and upstairs is for sleeping.
Екатерина и Андрей Санниковы | ScandinaviЕкатерина и Андрей Санниковы | Scandinavi
Immagine di un soggiorno contemporaneo di medie dimensioni e aperto con pareti beige, pavimento con piastrelle in ceramica, TV a parete e pavimento bianco
Springvale at Throsby
Springvale at Throsby
McDonald Jones HomesMcDonald Jones Homes
Floor to ceiling windows allow for the outdoors to feature throughout this open plan living space. The stunning Mid-Century Modern furniture throughout is accented with chrome and metal finishes for a fresh and fun way to showcase this style.
Wedgetail Retreat
Wedgetail Retreat
Mikasa DesignsMikasa Designs
DMAX Photography
Ispirazione per un soggiorno stile marinaro di medie dimensioni e aperto con pavimento con piastrelle in ceramica, nessun camino, TV autoportante, pavimento grigio e pareti blu
Golden Isles Residence 2
Golden Isles Residence 2
2id Interiors2id Interiors
Gorgeous Living Room By 2id Interiors
Esempio di un ampio soggiorno minimal aperto con pareti multicolore, TV a parete, pavimento beige e pavimento con piastrelle in ceramica
Малая Морская
Малая Морская
Марина ЧерноваМарина Чернова
Дизайнер Марина Чернова Фотограф Дмитрий Цыренщиков Квартира 54 м в старом центре Петербурга - для временного проживания хозяев или их гостей.
Idee per un piccolo soggiorno mediterraneo aperto con pareti gialle, pavimento con piastrelle in ceramica, pavimento grigio e sala formale

Soggiorni con pavimento con piastrelle in ceramica - Foto e idee per arredare

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