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Immagine di un soggiorno boho chic di medie dimensioni e aperto con pareti bianche, nessun camino, TV a parete, pavimento nero e pavimento in laminato
Design Vision Studio
Design Vision Studio
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SLEEPLESS in PORTLAND: Houseboat Diary

IDS (Interior Design Society) Designer of the Year - National Competition - 3rd Place award winning Living Space ($30,000 & Under category) Photo by: Shawn St. Peter Photography - What designer could pass on the opportunity to buy a floating home like the one featured in the movie Sleepless in Seattle? Well, not this one! When I purchased this floating home from my aunt and uncle, I undertook a huge out-of-state remodel. Up for the challenge, I grabbed my water wings, sketchpad, & measuring tape. It was sink or swim for Patricia Lockwood to finish before the end of 2014. The big reveal for the finished houseboat on Sauvie Island will be in the summer of 2015 - so stay tuned.
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