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Idee per una cantina american style con parquet chiaro e rastrelliere portabottiglie
Brandner Design
Brandner Design
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle4 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Ross Peak Residence

The Illuminated Stair Wine Closet found in the Ross Peak residence is a creative opportunity to use unique spaces in any home. Found under the Steel Stringer Stair, is this compact yet functional space for storing and displaying any wine collection complete with climate control and magnetic lock. Custom tiered shelves provide the perfect display for your favorite wine or whiskey selection, while simple, yet elegant spindles fill the wall to cradle the rest of your collection. The Aluminized Wood creates a beautiful organic background to the stainless steel finished in a black patina and glass that frames the door and display windows. LED lighting is also reflected from the stairs above, giving this space a perfect glow.
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