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Esempio di una cameretta per bambini design di medie dimensioni
Bo Fentum Design
Bo Fentum Design
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle6 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Project FH: A 1960's House gets its soul back

A tired mid century house gets a serious glow up! This mid century terrace was definitely the ugly duckling on the street. It has lost all its 60's credentials and was in serious need of some love. Now it is the standout house that turns heads every day! This project was a complete whole house renovation that literally left not a single internal wall standing! A newly created loft master bedroom and ensuite was added and the first floor layout was remodelled to create two double bedrooms and a home office. The ground floor was opened up to create a large broken plan space, with a lounge, kitchen and down stairs w/c added. Bespoke carpentry was designed to enhance the storage and create some show stopping stairs and balustrades. Finally, the interior was designed to bring back it's mid century soul.
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