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Idee per una stanza da bagno padronale contemporanea di medie dimensioni con pareti rosa, ante lisce, ante in legno bruno, vasca ad alcova, vasca/doccia, WC sospeso, piastrelle grigie, lavabo sottopiano e top in quarzo composito
Houseplay Renovations LLC
Houseplay Renovations LLC
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle5 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Pretty In Pink

Sometimes, all a space needs is a face-lift to effect a transformation; such was the case for this project. This complete bathroom renovation was all about adding color and panache to the existing space. The layout remained much the same, but the finishing touches made all the difference. Our team installed sleek, high-quality modern fixtures, including the faucets, toilet and the light fixture. We also employed space-saving strategies at the owner’s request. For example, the wall-mounted, low-profile vanity and glass splashguard (in lieu of a full door) lend a feeling of expansiveness and ease to the bathroom. Want to revitalize and refresh a space in your home? Contact the Houseplay team today! Photo Credit: Anne Ruthmann Photography
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